I appreciate that your website designated proposals like mine as “detailed contribution” so that we can get credit for it, perhaps get more visibility and people can take that into consideration when comparing our votes to the more simpler, briefly written policies.
However, some policies were improperly labeled as a “detailed contribution”, and that defeats the purpose of having that label. Only proposals which that met your original idea/criteria for length/detail should be credited as a “detailed contribution.”
I have flagged a few a while ago, but nothing has changed.
Here are some top examples from various categories. Can you PLEASE correct this issue?
EDIT: I have now added a bunch of other policies marked “detailed contribution” to demonstrate the magnitude of this issue. In fact, many of these policies are DUPLICATES pending on merge requests.
384,000 acres of farm land owned by China to be vacated and sold or seized. This will enhance security in these areas and allow for self sustainability with food production.
Apeel’s own website acknowledges that their coating cannot be completely removed from fruits and vegetables without causing damage, leaving consumers with no means to prevent exposure to the product.
It is being sprayed even on Organic produce!
There are many articles on this.
Ban fake meat (chicken and beef) harmful ingredients, food dyes and anything else that is harmful to the human body.
In order for greater unity for the people of the United States, We must hold accountable criminals and those who conspire evil and work evil in our nation.
There are far too many that are hiding behind protection but when their evil deeds are made public for all to see in the light of day they can no longer hide and no longer be protected.
They must be held accountable, and all those involved on the Epstein list files and all those involved on the diddy files must be exposed for who and what …
There should not be anything about this on children’s shows. They shouldn’t be indoctrinated at such a young age. Under the age of 18. Parents shouldn’t have to worry about their children watching shows that are for children and have lgbtq things involved into it.
Housing prices have gotten out of control, causing young people to wonder if they’ll ever be able to afford a home. Supply for properties has been decreased by large companies purchasing single-family homes to use for profit by renting or re-selling them to consumers. This is unacceptable to working-class American citizens who want a home to live, not use as a revenue stream. Stop corporations from purchasing single-family homes, and give home purchasing power back to the people!
Congressmen/Senators/Presidents should not get lifetime salaries after leaving office. When their term is over, the pay and benefits stop. Normal Americans do not get lifetime pay from employers, our representatives should be no different.
You must be able to pass a drug test to receive government benefits! while I do think this could be hard and costly to enforce and there would be some gov benefits that you should still qualify for, I do think that this would save a lot of money along with encouraging a healthy lifestyle I am open to having a discussion on this and would like to see what the general public would say about this
Edit: I would also like to point out that good paying jobs do this and reserve the right to do it
Drugs that are generally safe like Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Chlorine Dioxide should be allowed to be sold over the counter like benedryl. It would make it easier and less expensive to acquire these treatments as it would not be necessary for a doctor to prescribe it.
During COVID, doctors and pharmacists were not allowed to provide a number of safe and effective treatments like ivermectin or hydroxychoroquine. Ivermectin and hydorxychloroquine were proven to be effective treatments for c…
Parents need to have a hearing, we have to chose rather we want to vaccinate our kids from birth or not and if we do not want our kids to be vaccinated than we should not be forced to vaccinate them.
Forcing us on vaccinating our kids by not accepting unvaccinated kids at a doctor’s office, on kindergarten, schools and more? Why should we have to be forced and vaccinate our kids it’s our kids our choice More than we as parents want the best for our kids and love them, i don’t think the governme…
Pass a bill declaring that any individual who illegally enters the United States forfeits any future path to US Citizenship and are immediately eligible for deportation. To become eligible for future consideration for US Citizenship, such illegal immigrants have to voluntarily leave the country or be removed through a legal deportation process, serve a 10 year ban on reentry into the United States, pay a fine no less than $5000 and apply to return to the country legally.
Simple, no federal dollars will be spent on any benifit unless citizenship can be verified. This will help to self deport millions of illegal Aliens.
Remove all China owned farms to the state the farms are in or redistribute those farms amongst the in-state farmers. It’s absurd to think one of our biggest threats can source our food. It takes away farmers jobs, risks security, and doesn’t benefit Americans.
1. National Security Concerns: Foreign ownership of U.S. farmland, especially by a nation like China with which the U.S. has complex relations, poses potential risks to national security. Farmland ownership can provide a foreign entity wi…
All high school students should be required to take and pass Personal Finance classes before they can graduate with their diploma. These classes should include the following subjects:
-Debt (credit cards, loans, LOC, etc) - including credit agencies/scores
-Insurance - including scores
-Personal tax (sales, income, property, etc)
-Contracts (importance of reading them before financially obligating oneself)
It would great if there were a …
Children have the right to learn how to grow food. Lets start School Farms at every single school in our Republic and then on Earth!
Imagine. A school farm, where boys and girls have the opportunity to learn the most fundamental activity known to Humanity: Farming to create sustainability.
All children, from pre-kinder to high school would spend time learning and working on the school farm, which would provide food for the school cafeteria and an on-campus farmer’s market, where everyone in t…
Congressmen/Senators/Presidents should not get lifetime salaries after leaving office. When their term is over, the pay and benefits stop. Normal Americans do not get lifetime pay from employers, our representatives should be no different.
I have seen far too many so called Family friendly movies with two men or two women in a relationship. Also I have seen many family friendly movies with trans or homosexual themes. It’s not appropriate for children to see this as their minds are absorbing and learning everything they see. Plus I don’t enjoy watching movies that are supposed to be clean movies and then all of a sudden one character has a thing for someone of the same sex. This affects everyone’s mental health, because you are exp…
Pass a bill that explicitly prohibits lawmakers from enriching themselves by trading stocks with non-public information. This would include family members (Pauly P) and another they have passed information to.
Healthcare workers should have the right to decide whether or not to receive the flu vaccine without the threat of job loss. Requiring a vaccine that someone may not feel comfortable taking to maintain employment isn’t fair. Also, the CDCs medical exemption allowances are so minimal that employers aren’t even allowed to accept them.
This is it guys! The big fight against big pharma! I’m sick and tired of these doctors getting paid to shove pills down our throats that only cause more issues! They don’t get to the root cause. They don’t use what God gave us on this earth to heal us naturally. Why?! $$$$$$ … If Insurence were to cover homeopathic doctors that will run better tests to find root cause of health issues and heal us naturally we can live better lives! I want to be able to see my great grandkids graduate highschool!…
I don’t see why sin is being forced on the whole country for an entire month. My kids shouldn’t be forced to learn about that in school. Give that month to veterans instead. I’d rather celebrate people that served and died for my country rather than people that hate our country.
It’s time to embrace a more holistic approach to health by allowing homeopathic remedies alongside traditional Western medicine. While Western medicine is invaluable, homeopathy offers natural, individualized treatments that focus on healing the body as a whole. By integrating both, we give patients more options, reduce reliance on pharmaceuticals, and promote overall wellness without harsh side effects. Let’s support a healthcare system that values both modern science and natural remedies, empo…
The IRS is a BANE of American life. Why do Americans need to PAY with privately issued currency to a department created under dubious circumstances, which can destroy American Lives to enforce what ultimately ends up in government corruption and malfeasance? The IRS isn’t the only tool to go after FARA issues. We can enforce treason against America again to deal with FARA issues.
It’s time to embrace a more holistic approach to health by allowing homeopathic remedies alongside traditional Western medicine. While Western medicine is invaluable, homeopathy offers natural, individualized treatments that focus on healing the body as a whole. By integrating both, we give patients more options, reduce reliance on pharmaceuticals, and promote overall wellness without harsh side effects. Let’s support a healthcare system that values both modern science and natural remedies, empo…
No one should have to continually pay taxes on ANY purchase. Homes, cars, land, etc. The whole idea that you have to annually pay to own something you already bought, or risk having it taken from you, is ludicrous and unconstitutional.
Mothers/Fathers/ grandparents, who want to stay home and raise their children, grandchildren, and elder parents. They should receive income, to allow them to be at home parents. Just like daycares receive money from the government, Care takers should have a set amount to be able to stay at home, they can work part time or have a at home business that allows them to add to their income. Till the kids are in high school, or elder parents are in nursing homes or deceased.
Allow ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and anti parasitic medications to be available over the counter to the public.
Make the sexual assault of children be an offense that is punishable by death. No slaps on the wrist or being released to do it again and no waiting around on death row. If you hurt a child you get marched right up the gallows and hung by your neck until dead!
I work in a school as an educator (including in PE, Health and Business). I am also a mother. Since Michelle Obama changed the food guidelines in schools, the school food program is terrible. The schools used to do some baking and cooking and students liked at least some of the options. Now, due to over regulation and implementation regarding Whole Grain everything, Everything they serve is processed, frozen, and most children won’t eat it. Healthy food is delicious. Get rid of making everything…
I would love to see us bring back incandescent bulbs. We are being bombarded by blue light. Regulated circadian rhythms through warm Incandescent light is so important and goes hand in hand with overall health.
Dental health IS medical health. Our teeth being healthy is not only vital to our health but is vital to our survival given they are required for us to feed ourselves and play the very first role in the process of digestion. Yet dental insurance barely covers any treatment, especially any extensive treatments or replacements of teeth. All of that has to be paid out of pocket despite our teeth being a vital part of our body. Teeth should not be treated as a privilege only given to those who can a…
Make a law that anyone who enters the United States illegally can not later become a citizen for life. Also anyone who comes to the United States illegally and gives birth to a child here, that child will not become a citizen. This would reduce the number of people entering illegally and get rid of the loophole for their kids being born here.
Prevent Black Rock and other corporations from mass purchasing single family homes and renting them back to Americans at astronomical prices. If it cannot be fully prevented, there needs to be a limit on how many single family homes these corporations can purchase.
This type of business hurts American families by removing homes for them to buy and drastically increasing the prices of available homes.
Setting clocks back during the colder months creates a depressing situation where there is work and then Darkness as soon as the work day is done. This also slows the economic engine because without the extended daylight during the colder months, a large majority of people go home and are not out doing social activities or contributing to America’s economic engine. Both of these contribute to weight gain and a more depressing environment.
When a person owns their property - they really do not own it because of property tax! Property tax should be eliminated and the burden of school taxes and other taxes be shared between all the residents via a sales tax or other forms of revenue.
This is a must so all Americans can enjoy the American Dream - especially our aging population who get kicked out of their homes because of the high property taxes where their homes are taken or they are forced to sell.
Outlaw the chemical Glyphosate on our food supply. Glyphosate is sprayed on our food to cut down on weeds. It’s then sprayed to help the crop mature. Glyphosate has been linked to leukemia.
Give the people their financial sovereignty. Dissolve this debt based financial system. We fought against taxation without representation and now the government takes half of what we earn. Remove the banking cartel!!!
GMOs aka Bioengineered ingredients added to our foods should be banned.
Our bodies do not recognize nor can we process these ingredients! They are found in nearly everything we eat now!
The food industry is slowly killing us! If these ingredients are not allowed in other countries, they should not be allowed here in the United States!
There are lots of people that are unvaccinated (covid) that would like clean blood in case of an emergency.
Bring back High school skilled labor programs and have federal agencies and public shipyards create pathways to apprenticeship at local High schools prior to graduation. Training prior to graduation will accelerate workmanship competencies in areas such as welding, electrical, pipe fitting, preservation, etc.
Driving a car is a privilege and carrying a gun is a right. So why is it, Drivers license (privilege) is recognized in all 50 state but my concealed carry (right) is only recognized by a few. We should establish a standard to be able to carry in all 50 states!
Release all the files of the JFK assassination to expose government corruption that far back.
Also destroy the cultural elites and Hollywood with full disclosure of the Epstein records.
Almost expired food is nearly always still good a few days past the due date. The country throws away so much food. We should have fruit bearing trees in cities, we should have an abundance of food programs- open to any and everyone- essentially a large scale community food bank
Ban all Dominion voting machines used in elections and outlaw total mail in ballots processes. Specifically the type and method used in Colorado.
All ballots in CO are sent out by mail, and completed ballots are either returned by mail or dropped into drop boxes. In most counties, you can’t even vote in person, and can’t run your own ballot through the machine.
In CO, if you are registered Independent (40% of CO voters are), you actually receive 2 ballots. One Republican and one Democrat. That…
The human brain is not completely developed until the age of 21. Children should be protected from making or having a decision made for them that has such permanent and life altering ramifications as hormone blockers and gender reassignment surgery.
I believe bonuses should not be taxed. They represent extra income that employees often earn through overtime or additional work, which is not always compensated when you’re salaried. People work hard for these bonuses, and it’s frustrating to see a significant portion of it disappear due to taxes once it’s deposited.
We need an amendment to Title 9 or a separate law prohibiting natural born males from participating in women’s sports in the US. The way things are now if a biological male competes in most cases will be able to beat a female. this is unfair and should not be allowed. Women’s sports should be for women and men’s sports should be for men.
Doctors should determine treatment and care. Insurance companies should never determine medical care.
Insurance companies currently determine type of care and deny care with out any training in medicine, all doctors, including alternative care, chiropractic, functional medicine doctors and nurse practitioners should determine appropriate medical treatment along with patients. that should include all natural forms of medicine, and treatment not just synthetic drugs and surgery.
Patients are c…
America’s political system can easily be decoded for what it is: A solid foundation of liberity given to us by the founding fathers, that has been diluted over time with corporate interests buying politicians and admin positions through the use of lobbying.
This system will continue the cycles of lesser evil voting, unless we cut the head of the snake right now.
You don’t like big pharma/food putting people in positions to represent their interests over those of the people who elected an admin…
make Election day a federal holiday. All voters must present ID. Mail in ballots are to be the exception not the norm. all overseas and mail in ballots must be mailed out in time for voter to mail them back and in their respective voting areas the day before the election. No mail in ballots will be counted if there is a discrepancy on signature or not dated. all ballots will be counted up to and including midnight of election day. States must have results within 12 hrs after midnight of elect…
Apeel’s own website acknowledges that their coating cannot be completely removed from fruits and vegetables without causing damage, leaving consumers with no means to prevent exposure to the product.
It is being sprayed even on Organic produce!
There are many articles on this.