Have insurance cover homeopathic doctors!

This is it guys! The big fight against big pharma! I’m sick and tired of these doctors getting paid to shove pills down our throats that only cause more issues! They don’t get to the root cause. They don’t use what God gave us on this earth to heal us naturally. Why?! $$$$$$ … If Insurence were to cover homeopathic doctors that will run better tests to find root cause of health issues and heal us naturally we can live better lives! I want to be able to see my great grandkids graduate highschool! I want to live happy and healthy!


all holistic/.alternative medical treatments should be covered by insurance


This should also include chiropractic, Ayurvedic, and traditional Chinese medicine.


Great suggestion! Get big pharma out of our lives. :+1:t2::heart::us:


I believe that root cause healing is the way to live over just band-aiding symptoms. Over time it will create a much healthier human being.


We need to expand the types of treatments our medical establishment accepts, and put a lot more focus on prevention.
The last thing we need to waste money on homeopathic remedies that amount to nothing more than overpriced sugar pills.


Naturopathic medicine using the bounty of resources God put on this earth is what we need. A true understanding of how God designed the human body and tried and true tested remedies that address the root cause of illness. We need more accurate and reliable diagnostics as well. The medical system we have now is designed to cover symptoms with pharmaceuticals that in many cases cause a cascading effect of damage to the human body. It’s all to benefit companies and not to improve health.


I would also add baby or child vaccines dont seem to be talked about much despite doctors giving it to children in bulk sometimes with the child having a reaction. It’s speculated baby vaccines could be the start to developmental mental disorders, might be worth investigating.


I agree! I have a migraine disorder and have gone to multitude of doctors the last 10 years or so. All they wanted to do for me is to try drugs to see if they worked. Well, none of them did and I have lost all faith in doctors. They never worked with me to find a root cause. I went to an integrative health center, and tried to pay for their services with my HSA. And my HSA denied the transactions!


I agree one of the best therapies for fibromyalgia is massage it helps give pain relief but my insurance won’t cover it but they will cover all of the medication use to treat it. These medications have side effects that are horrible.


Imagine if instead of Rx Ozempic to an obese person, they were provided a Nutritionist and a Personal Trainer. Daily for 30 day then stop down to weekly for 45 days as it takes at least 30 days to change a habit. Then ongoing for a year with one a month visits. This sort of preventative care would make ALL the difference. Let’s get to THE ROOT CAUSE!


I have migraines due to exposure to toxins such as fragrances, etc. You might want to get a dna test of your detox pathways. Im missing genes and cannot detox as fast as others. My environmental illness is called toxic encephalopathy. I hope this helps you.


Thanks so much! I will look into that as my 12 year old son is experiencing migraines also.

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Massage should be covered. We need a full holistic approach to healthcare



I think insurance should cover preventive measures too. People especially elderly should have coverage for gyms or at least discounts. I have Medicare and tri-care and neither insurance covers any type of gym memberships or holistic care such as chiropractic or acupuncture.

As an individual with M.E. the thing which helped the most was acupuncture. Unfortunately it was 100% out of pocket so I was unable to sustain it. The US medical does have a dry needling procedure which is similar but does not use the known and proven pressure points


We would be better off if insurance wasn’t necessary. Historically, medical insurance is an anomaly. Who ever thought we needed a third party to make medical decisions for us? Who knew that medical insurance would cause people to become patients willing to rely on others to oversee their “health” and, consequently, overuse the system to their own detriment? This is the path our country has traveled and why we are, by many standards, the sickest. Consider, also, holistic practioners are independent and probably would not welcome being enslaved by the bureaucracy.


How about making holisitc health be our model?

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If health insurance did not exist, how do you think the medical profession would operate? What do you think would happen if you didn’t pay some middle man to pay your doctor? What would it be like to see a doctor who was not restricted by insurance plan administrators? Insurance has become a crutch which many people abuse/overuse. The system is such that it’s difficult to not have insurance and - as you know - difficult to not be able to use insurance as you choose. The answer, however, is not to have holistic practioners offer health insurance. The answer is to revamp the system so that the only medical insurance needed is for emergency/urgent care. Beyond that, everyone is responsible for their own health and well being and, if they are not paying for health insurance, they might be able to afford to visit an holistic practioner.

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