Massive tax cuts for families with stay at home moms and children

We need massive tax cuts for families with stay at home moms and children, cutting taxes down to the 4-5% range.

The point of the state should be to promote and protect the common good of domestic life. Wives should be able to stay at home to educate and care for their own children. We should encourage families who want children, and want to care for their own children. which is incredibly hard when you need two incomes to survive.

Were not having alot of children as it is. We should make it easier for families to have children, and for men to provide for their wives and children, so our mothers can nurture.

We NEED to be able to support our familes off of one income so our partner can dedicate themselves to the children. Then we wont have to have conversations about whether or not we can have another one based on the economy of the United States.

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Nope. People who don’t have children or who have fewer children should not be forced to subsidize people who do.

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Thats the whole point. To incentivize having children. If you want the tax cut, get married, have children, and one of the parents stay home. Simple as that. We have a population crisis as it is. If you choose not to be married and have children, you will have higher taxes. Period.


Yes yes yes!

Absolutely, my fiancé and I dream of having the old school American family. She stays at home with the kids while I go off to work. I’m stressed out trying to make it work. I’m not positive It’s gonna be possible.

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