The IRS is a BANE of American life. Why do Americans need to PAY with privately issued currency to a department created under dubious circumstances, which can destroy American Lives to enforce what ultimately ends up in government corruption and malfeasance? The IRS isn’t the only tool to go after FARA issues. We can enforce treason against America again to deal with FARA issues.
Perhaps a less extreme alternative for the moderates: eliminate the Federal income tax and replace it with tariffs (i.e. the Trump plan).
I strongly disagree. replace it with a yearly audit of all those elected to a federal office
It is unconstitutional!
This should be a no-brainer. The tax code is far too complex. Dissolving the IRS and replacing it with a flat tax across the board (around 7%?) would be the best way to ensure everyone pays a relatively agreeable amount.
Also, if the IRS knows how much we how them. Why are we spending time and money to calculate how much we owe each year? If we calculate wrong, then we are fined.
If they know how much we owe, why not just tell us directly and have us pay it.
Bonus: you keep your federal income tax.
It ‘funds’ bureaucracy that perpetuates itself, and is a the genesis of more bureaucracy. We don’t need it.
7% of what? I agree that an overall tax burden of 7% is probably a pretty good spot on the Laffer Curve, but how do you intend to collect?
Definitely dissolving the IRS would be amazing for small business. There would be a huge number of jobs created by the sudden lack of red tape. Plus, the hundreds of thousands of unemployed federal employees and tax attorneys would be able to solve our fast food worker shortage.
I think it’s better to cut their staff dramatically and reform the IRS.
Let them collect taxes from GOVERNMENT employee not private citizens. This would discourage uncontrolled growth of government.
I think this would be acceptable in The Kingdom of God.
Everyone should pay their fair share 10%. All the other taxes are embezzlement of earnings. Each state should have their own tax system for the maintenance of the state. The current tax system abuse needs to end, and those at the top need to pay off the debt they encouraged.
I whole heartedly agree the tax code is too complex. Pass a law that limits the tax code to either one page or zero pages.
See this post about monetary economic policy, this would resolve the debt issue. Abuses may be better off handled legally/criminally, as opposed to insurmountable debt burdens which the individuals will not make a dent in.
I am not gonna lie because it is not in my dna. When they stole the election on January 20, 2020 I immediately changed my w2 to exempt. Have not filed since. No fear here. Killing Americans with forced vaccines made the decision that much easier for me.
Not sure if flat tax would make sense, since billionaires will not pay much. How about a tax on consumption, sort of like a sales tax to replace the current income tax. the more you consume the more you pay in taxes. This way poor people wont pay much and billionaires and well off people pay their fair share.
Not true, we did not have any federal taxes until early 1900
In fact they have tricked everyone into contracting in to being a government employee on the books. When you sign your tax forms. When your parents signed your birth certificate. That’s how the tax is even legal!
Sales tax impacts the poor disproportionately. The rich can pay it and don’t care.
Use the W-8 for that.