In order for greater unity for the people of the United States, We must hold accountable criminals and those who conspire evil and work evil in our nation.
There are far too many that are hiding behind protection but when their evil deeds are made public for all to see in the light of day they can no longer hide and no longer be protected.
They must be held accountable, and all those involved on the Epstein list files and all those involved on the diddy files must be exposed for who and what they are and let the criminal Justice systum do what it must afterwards by the voice of the people
Yes I agree
We need it released and these people prosecuted. Should have already been done!
Trump said Both lists will be released on day one!
If anybody that wasn’t famous, a politician, or an elite did this, they would be in prison already. We have to have EQUAL ACCOUNTABILITY for all. No matter their status! There will never be trust in any society when people are treated differently because of their position.
Just remember, elon musk bought tons of hours of diddy party videos. Very soon we are gonna starr seeing those guilty getting yoked up!
All should be public knowledge, why are we concealing and protecting criminals? Hilary Clinton and Fauci need to be prosecuted as well.
Fully agree with this
These people need to pay dearly for what they have done to human beings. Jail is not good enough. They need to be eradicated from this planet. I believe that will send a strong message.
… and fully investigate everyone in the Panama Papers. And give them a bill to pay. Or put them in jail where they belong. Or seize all their assets or whatever
Yesss let’s keep exposing Hollywood!!
I do suggest a trial by Grand Jury of the People AFTER we finish with the 7th Amendment Jural Assembly to deal with the judicial corruption getting in the way of honest dealings. Remember, taking these people before those they paid for protection will do nothing. Start at the top to clean it out, THEN deal with them when there’s a real chance of an honorable outcome and true justice.
I absolutely agree with this. They should all be held accountable for their corrupted, disgusting ways. They should not be allowed to pay off their victims with hush money. I’ve heard things: “exposing them would break the internet,” we’ll break it. There are so many young kids who idolize a lot of these celebrities and they think that they are some kind of God. Meanwhile they are abusing children. It’s absolutely ridiculous and we need to know who’s on that list. Once that list is posted accountability must be taken forth as well as the videos. I don’t care if Hollywood breaks. It’s seriously the devils playground.
The “elites” deserve the same treatment under the law that a regular person gets. These lists need to be released in their entirety and with no redaction. The criminals need to be tried and punished swiftly. Frankly, I dont want MY TAX DOLLARS keeping them alive while they live their entire lives out, I would rather then get the death penalty.
The public has the right to know!
Also release Hunter and Weiners laptops, JFK files, UFO files…heck, release everything including pardoning Assange!!!
Release the MLK tapes as well. Jesus says in Matthew 18:6 “If anyone causes one of these little ones, or causes our young children any harm—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." I agree.
I feel that we need to do away with animal/cruelty/abuse testing and test on these kinds of criminals!
I definitely want both those lists made public to we the people of the United States! We deserve answers and names. I am confident that when and if Trump gets all the details he will reveal it as promised!