Ban mandatory vaccines for babys & kids

Parents need to have a hearing, we have to chose rather we want to vaccinate our kids from birth or not and if we do not want our kids to be vaccinated than we should not be forced to vaccinate them.

Forcing us on vaccinating our kids by not accepting unvaccinated kids at a doctor’s office, on kindergarten, schools and more? Why should we have to be forced and vaccinate our kids it’s our kids our choice More than we as parents want the best for our kids and love them, i don’t think the government loves them more than us. for that i think we should have the choice to decide for our kids and not be forced on vaccinating our kids.

It is not Democracy forcing someone to do something but giving them Choices to chose and as a parent i want the best for my kid and i think the best is not to be vaccinated, if someone else’s parent thinks that they want to vaccinate their kids than is their choice they can vaccinate their kids. But in both choices has to be no discrimination and not getting the same benefits as no vaccinated kids will get not an appointment to the doctor no kindergarten no school and more.


Bajram, there are already rights that protect parents and children from forced vaccines. You just have to fill out an immune exemption form and places that usually require it legally cannot refuse


Tiffany, i didn’t now that is this in every state or not.

Also it will be better if we have a choice rather than going thru applications because not every one knows including me that i did not know it.

Because when my baby girl was born last year i was against vaccination but i had not choice all nurses were over me telling me that is best to vaccinate my baby because she will not be treated by a doctor is she needs one in the future she will not be accepted in kindergarten in school etc. also a nurse friend that worked at the hospital told me that if you do not do the first vaccine in the hospital than they will notify the kids protection and they will come after me.
So basically i was really forced at this point that i had no choice but accepting the vaccine.


I am sorry you were lied to, but yes, I believe this is for all states.

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Unfortunately that is not true. I live in NYS and there are no exemptions here. They say medical, but they don’t actually acknowledge the vaccine injured to issue those. I am pretty sure that the doctors can also only issue so many, before their license is looked at. We were kicked out of public school in 2019, when they got rid of the religious exemption - along with 26,000 other children. My children are discrimated against unconstitutionally for deciding against vaccines. My son was vaccine injured at 4 months old, and we (among every one else that chose to not vaccinate), were kicked out of all of our local pediatricians offices, for making that choice. We can only attend one office around us because its federally funded. The rest refuse to see kids that dont follow the cdc guidelines.


Oh I hope this passes for the people of that state! It’s in the senate committee right now. As of right now, there are no real exemptions in NYS other than medical which is NEVER given.

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I agree with vaccines being a choice, but I also feel that health care professionals need to help educate us to make the best decisions for our kids, because I feel that some vaccines actually do help keep our kids safe.

California also doesn’t have any exemptions. You can’t enroll your children in public or private school without being fully compliant with the 70+ vaxxes.


But then they do not have the right to go to school. Not all states accept a religious opt out paper.
My kids do not get vaccinated and they’re homeschooled. We live in Cali. One of the states that do not accept a religious opt out.


If herd immunity wasn’t a real thing sure, why not. We used mandatory vaccinations and herd immunity to eliminate polio and eradicate smallpox. Do you think we shouldn’t have done that?


If vaccines work to stop transmission and stop infection, then it’s irrelevant whether anyone else did or didn’t get vaccinated, because the person who did is immune. If they don’t work to do that, or their efficacy rate is low, then why are we taking them at all? it’s a pointless ritual. Either way, unvaccinated people have no impact on vaccinated ones.

Furthermore, vaccine technology of today is radically different than the technology used for the polio vax. Vaxxes are loaded with toxic heavy metals, DNA fragments from the immortalized stem cell lines they were grown in (or insect DNA for other kinds of vaxes)… it is highly likely that the autism epidemic is caused by heavy metal poisoning.

I highly recommend you give a listen to the RFK jr / Rogan interview. Thats a good primer on the evidence to support why the modern formulation of vaccines are worse than the diseases they supposedly prevent.


Yes, I personally think vaccines should be banned period


Its ridiculous, and of course, its always the blue states!


Around 2016 CA dropped all exemptions except for special ed students, including both faith based and medical exemptions. I have four kids and all of them had exemptions. One of them has autism diagnosis. Gavin newsom changed the law to drop our medical exemptions for everybody but my autistic child. I had detailed expensive genetic testing which showed that my kids were high risk of side effects if they took the vaccines. Newsome stripped us of those rights. They did a witch hunt on a doctor’s who had wrote medical exemptions prior to that law. After that law as part of it they added language that said doctors in California had the ability to give five medical exemptions for their entire length of time as a doctor. I don’t understand how they could allow a finite number on something like that. Shouldn’t the exemptions be based on the merit of the medical evidence?

Based on the California vaccine schedule a person who received all their shots on time up to age 18 would have received approximately 51 shots.
Here’s the breakdown:

  • Birth to 6 years: 25 shots
  • 11-12 years: 3 shots
  • 16-18 years: 2 shots
  • Annual Influenza: 20 shots (estimated, assuming one per year from 6 months to 20 years)
    Important Note: This is an approximation. The actual number is probably higher because most people opt for the elective vaccines at the same time.

Wrong. There are a handful of states that don’t have exemptions. California and New York for example. Also, it’s annoying having to try to obtain an exemption every year for my child. Why do I need an exemption to not put something in mine or my child’s body? Exemptions requirements are also different for each state.

People should have a choice and should not be excluded from programs or activities because they choose not to vaccinate.


Agreed! One of many reasons I took my kids out of public school.

I believe the parents should have the choice. However, I am an RN. I know that vaccines have eradicated some terrible diseases/viruses (smallpox, polio) so this is a tough one for me. I am 100% against the Covid vaccine for anyone - adults and children.

Doctors offices and schools should be banned from asking for vaccination records.

The sad reality is, that it is actually not their choice, as one school administrator told me in confidence, the federal and state government conditions the lunch program funding on the vaccination status of the children!

In other words, they take our tax dollars to give lunch money to schools we pay for, on the condition that our children take their shots!

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That is false Tiffany. In CA parents don’t have that right. I am trying to post a similar topic. This explains this issue….

Currently in California there are thousands of families adversely impacted by a 2020 law change that essentially prevents doctors from writing vaccine exemptions without loosing their license. My doctor friend is on probation with the medical dept. For this very reason for example. This law needs to change, CA families (and other states) are desperate for help to simply educate their kids, and not live in fear of loosing their children to CPS etc. for their beliefs around healthcare for their kids.

The effect of this 2020 law is that before my child turned one year old, I suddenly had no access to any childcare or school in my home state of CA. All my plans as a first time mom went out the window instantly and amidst a pandemic. I am a single mom who, without any warning, had my world ripped from beneath me as I was in effect prevented from working to support my child alone (unless he joins me at work which is obviously not ideal, particularly given my profession).

My five year old child, who was signed up for school while in my womb, has since subsequently never been allowed to attend any school in CA where we were both born and raised. Meanwhile I am unable to move without the courts approval which is almost impossible to obtain and takes up to a year to do where I live. the family law judge is currently deciding my case where I could loose my child entirely over my health beliefs. CPS can be called to take children away for having this belief as well. The implications of this law (and others) denying our rights to belief and choice, are so dire for all natural families like ours.

My child had an adverse reaction to the only vaccine I was pressured to give him, that our doctor won’t even record. the CLETs system should be trashed it only tracks people they consider anti-vaxers and is ineffective, only a very small few are lucky to get on it again because of this law change and all Schools do not allow you to attend unless you are on this list. I know mothers who have vaccine injured children who experienced doctors denying any adverse effects and they can’t even get an exemption to attend school either with severely damaged children.

This state law is federally unconstitutional as far as I understand. We have to right to educate our children without going against our beliefs and injecting them with untested vaccines, that have death listed as a possible side effect, and are made by pharmaceutical companies who have no legal liability. I would never inject my child with anything that could potentially kill him and where the manufacturer won’t even stand behind their products. It goes against all of my beliefs around his health.

Its unbelievable to me that keeping your children safe from possible death or harms can cause you to loose your children, but this is a regular occurrence in CA. PLEASE HELP.

I unfortunately know more than I’d ever like to know about this topic, and I would be honored to help other families to rewrite these wrongs. Please let me know if I may be of service, I’d gladly relocate to make it happen.


For communicating with me please use this email that I wasn’t able to verify since My phone broke - NikkiJeanNorris@gmail. com