Ban Bill Gates Apeal Produce

Apeel’s own website acknowledges that their coating cannot be completely removed from fruits and vegetables without causing damage, leaving consumers with no means to prevent exposure to the product.
It is being sprayed even on Organic produce!
There are many articles on this.


We can not get decent fruit now. We need Bill Gates to be banned from any food. Ban the meats being grown in labs


Ban Bill Gates and confiscate all of the farmland he’s purchased in this country. Let the people purchase it to start organic, non gmo farms. Prosecute him for crimes against Humanity. Thank you.


Let’s change this to “Ban Bill Gates.” He’s gotta go.


I completely agree that Apeel should not be used on our produce, especially without clear labeling and the choice for consumers to avoid it. Apeel’s coating being applied to organic produce is deeply concerning, as it undermines the standards that organic buyers rely on. If this product truly cannot be fully removed, it leaves consumers exposed to a coating they might not want, with no reliable way to opt out. Given Bill Gates involvement in funding such ventures, I believe we should also consider stricter regulations around his influence in our food systems to prevent further erosion of transparency and consumer choice. ORGANIC FOOD IS WHAT WE ALL WANT rosemary extract is a safer alternative to name one.


I have blackberries in my fridge that are 3 weeks old.No mold at all. There is something wrong with that.

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I agree. I earnestly beg to have the ability to remove residues and waxes from produce and any foods that I purchase. Farmers should clearly identify what they used to grow and harvest food. The technology exists that can easily accessible by a q-code. Long-term studies should be produced and reported on a public forum unedited so that the public can know what is being put into our bodies.