Make the sexual assault of children be an offense that is punishable by death. No slaps on the wrist or being released to do it again and no waiting around on death row. If you hurt a child you get marched right up the gallows and hung by your neck until dead!
Sure eliminates repeat offenders.
The recidivism rates for pedophiles are incredibly high. They will reoffend. Public hangings seem reasonable to me for a crime that leaves life lasting effects on its victims.
Include men who rape women
Also no Pussyfooting around either!!
Say they get caught whatnot go to jail
They get killed immediately… Justice
Should be served swiftly…
But I think the family member should be able
To waterboard the predator for several hours
And torture the predator as well…
I feel the same way. If a dog is rabbit, you put them down. You don’t keep them at the vet for a while and turn them back onto society.
I love this idea. However, people can survive being hung unfortunately. Let’s bring back a guillotine instead! Make it a semi dull blade that way it has to hit the neck more than once.
I don’t know if there have ever been successful rehabilitation for pedophiles. Majority have been molested themselves who never healed. If there is no cure, they must be dealt with in a way where they cannot harm another child once caught. Many Rapists have been raped or molested as well and never healed. I am a survivor off rape & molestation. I never got justice for anything done to me and my perp still walks free. There must be justice, no matter how they are dealt with whether it’s incarceration with heavy rehab & counseling or death penalty.
Homey The Clown (Obama) already bought a bunch of them to use on US , so it wouldn’t be a problem and they are reusable like ropes so we are helping the environment!!! Great Idea.
I would take it one step further and also say anyone causing the death of a child gets the death penalty. There are to many cases of people torturing kids to death, of leaving them alone to go on vacation, of selling them.
Anyone doing that to a child, does not deserve to live.
I would also make it death by firing squad and it would be televised so maybe other people would think twice about hurting a child.
And women who rape men
Good one.
I’m not certain if a trial is given or not. Tough one. System manipulation can be tricky!
But certainly emotional satisfaction if the execution is the immediate path. Is that just?
Needs open discussion OUTLOUD in front of all the people!
The constitution gives a fair trial by a jury of its peers.
I am in no way defending pedophiles, but we cannot erode our own constitution out of hatred.
Try them and then dispose of them.
Yeah. Cannot erode constitutional law.
We need to clean up our law system - how many have been wrongly accused or convicted or tried or any number of mishaps?
I’m not a defender of those who harm others in any way- Equal Justice by The Law - but my God I’m not sure who is even making law and/or interpreting law at this point. Clownland…
Difficult phase we are entering.