Allow ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and anti parasitic medications to be available over the counter to the public.
We need this in every state again. AND keep it cheap, too, because it is!
Absolutely!! There are natural means for this as well such as oil of oregano capsules, wormwood tea, and many other options, but I still think these medications should be available over the counter.
All of these drugs are excellent and work well. They were hidden from us by the pharmaceutical industry because they are inexpensive versus the very expensive COVID vaccines that have proven to be unsafe and not effective. There is a peer a new peer-reviewed study that calls for the removal of the covid vaccines because of the number of deaths that have occurred in the study and in reality since 2021.
It is available online but it is $3 per pill!!!
Even though OTC medication for human consumption is the way to go, letting consumers be comfortable buying it in the grocery store, next to the cold medication…you can still get it sent to you by ordering it online through an online pet store. Here is the one that I use…
Enjoy, American Patriots!
I see it is premeasured in the syringe. Do you consume the whole premeasured syringe and how often?
No, the side of the syringe has marked lines pre-measured for body weight, and has a safety catch that locks the plunger to that dosage depth, once you twist it into the locked position. Its really easy to figure out and you cant go wrong. I get 5 doses out of a single syringe and I only pull out a syringe from the cupboard twice a year for my regular parisite-cleansing week-long regimin in the Spring and again in the Fall. Two syringes a year, I figure, is good enough for me. My goal is to kill off any inter-cellular or other micro-parasites that I might have picked up in my food and environment (and government shots…lol) throughout the year.
Thank you so very much!
You can get Ivermectin at Tractor Supply. Its just labeled for horses, I think. Notnsure about the others.
Yea…new medical research possibly establishing a link between cellular parisites and malformed cells during mitotic cellular division, suggesting a possible non-invasive treatment for cancer based on parasite removal (vs. hideous dark-ages and outrageously expensive chemo-therapy treatments that only partially work over the patient’s lifetime). No wonder the government (via the monopoly pharaceutical and medical industries) want to ban cheap and effective alternatives. We should be banning the FDA and CDC instead, as they have since become a threat to our very survival.
The more laws they make, the more laws I’ll break. Being an “upstanding law-abiding citizen” has simply become a sick joke and a death wish these days. I’ll stand over there with those fine mean-looking fellows over there holding muskets…they look quite upstanding enough.
Yes! This needs written as a bill and passed right away, state by state. There is no good reason to prevent our access to life-saving medications that have minimal side-effects and risk potential.
Yes, this needs to be passed quickly. There are People dying everyday from bacteria and toxins and most who are still living are getting the wrong meds that don’t cure. Please prioritize this!
I got mine from indiamart. Hydoxichloride and arithamizion
Guaranteed they’ll try to up the price now since people found out it works
Absolutely! Big pharma wanted to make money on vaccines which is why these weren’t made available for the China virus. More federal dollars wasted.
Without Prescription. Pharma seems to flag almost anything now.
I buy Ivermectin horse paste. I take a pea-sized amount once a week.
Ivermectin an antifungal and Fenbendazole an antiparasitic have been used to cure cancer but big pharma doesn’t want us to know. There is more money made in sickness than in health and hopefully RFK Jr will help to get the truth out and save more lives.