Chem trails are poisoning our bodies and our land. The amount of aluminum and other chemicals being rained down from the sky are extremely harmful and can lead to disease. Tennessee has already banned them and so should the rest of the United States.
I think we need to stop spraying as well its does affect MULTIPLE things. From agricultural, ocean life and us! I just listed a suggestion to cover multiple issues as well. Hopefully we can get rid of all this posion
Wouldn’t it be nice if Trump revealed the budget, agenda and ingredients we have been sprayed with? Prosecution of culpable participant should result.
Chem trails are poisoning the air and soil. They are also damaging trees and other plant life.
Most of the population seems unaware even though it’s right before their eyes !
Who’s funding this operation and where are their staging areas ? It should be easy to find this information, but after years of efforts we still know very little. Who has the wealth and power to support this and cover it up ? Our own government has to be involved !
This must stop NOW !
I wholeheartedly agree!! I’ve heard that chem trails can contain nanoparticles that are NOT good for any living being. Many cloud-seeding chemicals such as silver iodide are not meant to be inhaled/injested and fall down to earth to contaminate our water and soil. According to, chemicals such as barium and strontium are also sprayed into our skies. There is NO logical reason to mess with mother nature and spray chemicals into our air!
It gets even worse. Heavy metals are in these chemical trails and they are landing on both conventional and organic crops… making organic produce that much less organic. It’s also falling on the grass that the free range chickens and cows eat and pick through so our free range meat has more heavy metals in it.
Also, these chemtrails are hurting bee populations of all kinds. And you remember how we used to hear about large flocks of birds dropping dead mid-air and plummeting to the earth. You guessed it, they flew through a concentrated pocket of poison in the air and it killed the entire flock (or most or many of them).
RFK Jr. helped create Waterkeeper Alliance, which ensures that the world’s Waterkeeper groups are as connected to each other as they are to their local waters, organizing the fight for clean water into a coordinated global movement.
I think it’s high time Airkeeper Alliance gets created for the same reason Waterkeeper’s was.