Mandatory imprisonment for false rape/sa accusations

Anyone that is proven to lie about accusations that can ruin someone’s life should be imprisoned for the same amount of time the person they accused would get If they were found guilty.


I can totally get onboard with this from dealing with an acquisition that was made towards my son from his ex-wife. The judge even called hey out on it and she (the judge) told my son’s ex-wife that if the state would allow her to prosecute the ex-wife she would give her the maximum sentence. This was all over custody and childsup6.


Also for an attempt of parental alienation in custody court if the parents is not actually concerned about the child safety and instead using excessive litigation to “get back” at the other parent.


This sort of reciprocity is greatly needed – I think it should apply to any false accusation, and they happen all the time. Sexual Harassment and rape are the most common areas.

#metoo was a disaster for office culture. There’s been plenty of articles out there about how men are taking countermeasures to avoid false accusations; they won’t have meetings with women 1:1 behind closed doors, be on the same floor of a hotel etc… Of course the men are accused of sexism for that. Too much attention is harassment, but not enough is also harassment.

False accusations are a consequence free weapon, and of course they will be used, frequently.


I feel like the custody situations are probably just as common based on my own observations. Unfortunately it is hard to quantify. I do appreciate how people are seeking justice for the falsely accused. False accusations of SA definitely have negative impacts. When I think about the negative impacts of perjury and attempted or successful parental alienation in custody court, I not only think about how it negatively impacts the alienated parent, but the children. Children suffering from parental alienation are more likely to commit crimes, have more negative impacts on mental health, etc. This obviously is not all of the time but definitely a correlation. They may be manipulated by the alienating parent and be made to believe that they were abandoned by the alienated parent or that the alienated parent was a bad person. This will make the kid feel like they are a bad person (because they were abandoned, or because they are blood related to someone who is “bad”, or both). Unfortunately, this could cause a self-fulfilling prophecy. Also, the alienating parent is more likely to have a cluster B personality disorder, which could cause instability for the child. They also are more likely to display behaviors of Munchhausen by proxy. Unfortunately, this is sometimes hard to detect when the alienating parent is charming and slick while the alienated parent cannot afford a good lawyer or is not as articulate. What do you think would be the best solution for this issue?


I think it’s more common with custody than in an office setting. All my male friends who are divorced had false accusations against them. Divorce lawyers seem to thrive on it because they know it will extend the divorce, enflame emotions, and extract more of the couple’s wealth into the lawyer’s pockets.

Taleb has a great book, “skin in the game” – and goes through many examples of the lack of parity and it’s negative consequences.


We just saw this nonsense play out with Trump. An accusation with Zero physical evidence or eye witness. We should have been able to rely on the jury to have sense enough to vote in favor of the defense but instead were shown how bias a jury can be if the subject matter triggers them or the defensive is unlikable.
These cases with zero physical evidence should never even make it to the charging phase. It’s a waste of taxpayers money.
Too many innocent people in jail. Too many innocent people humiliated and bankrupted trying to save their lives. It’s injustice to say the least!


Do you think there is a solution to this issue? You seem very intelligent so I want to know if you have any suggestions. I think it is interesting that criminals can opt for a lawyer paid for by the government but fathers (or mothers) can not. I know government spending is an issue but this is something I am personally willing to allocate my tax money to. Any different suggestions or ideas you have in mind?


Don’t worry, I only “seem” so, it’s all a ruse. I’m actually an AI chat bot. :smiley:

We are far too litigious of a society. Most lawsuits in the world by miles. Some simple reforms, such as parity on false accusations (you face the punishment you expose your target to), loser pays the legals bills of the winner, etc would discourage people from suing to extract petty revenge.

I see it like a poker game. You’ve got to ante up to sit at the table and play a hand. You risk losing as much as you stand to gain from winning. When it is cost and consequence free to so do… there will be lots of abuse.

Public defenders are basically advocates for the prosecutor, encouraging people to plea out. We need access to quality representation for everyone instead of only the big money people. Prosecutors should be incentivized to seek justice, not a high conviction rate. Being overturned too many times should lead the prosecutor to be fired and banned from office forever.


I do agree! I like how you pointed out about how the other party can pay your legal fees if they are found to be incorrect. I just hope that people will be able to tell who is the honest party. Thankfully, some areas have great judges. I wish that was the case everywhere.


Well, unfortunately, rape is a real thing, and the truth is 90% of rapes go unreported, because women are trying to avoid the stigma and don’t want further humiliation. Most of them try to hide it. This is a tricky wicket. Your suggestion of reciprocity does have some merit, though, in cases where firm evidence can prove the spurious nature of an accusation.


Id go a step furthur. I believe death penalty for rapist. Therefore falsely accusing someone should be regarded as attempt murder thu the legal system. And thus they should receive the penalty thatd their falsely accused would have received. Death penalty.

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I disagree. We already have laws against things like libel and defamation. Rape cases are already difficult enough to prosecute and convict. We don’t need to add an extra layer of difficulty by victims worrying they will go to prison for reporting.

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It should be difficult if they are claiming someone committed a horrible crime. If they chose not to gather a rape kit and have no other physical proof then they give up their right to accuse with zero proof. We don’t need any more people thrown in prison who are later found innocent and taxpayers foot the bill for their multi million dollar lawsuits.

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I agree if it is proven to be false, not just because a jury didn’t have enough for a guilty verdict.

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Please read my earlier policy and please vote! False Allegations/False Accusations/Wrongful Convictions/False Witnesses

I came here to submit the same idea.

I would caveat this with one addition: the threshold for determining a false accusation must be high.

Many victims don’t come forward because they know the offender and don’t want to “hurt” them. Attaching consequences for an accusation that merely cannot be substantiated could result in even fewer victims coming forward and seeking help/justice. Any enforcement of this suggestion must come with explicit, clear evidence the accuser knew at the time the accusation was made that it was false.