Longer PAID maternity leave

We need longer paid maternity leave for women!! Forcing a women to go back to work and leave her infant at 6 weeks is insane. Postpartum doesn’t start till around 6 weeks. We need moms home raising their babies, it’s just not possible for most family’s to survive off of one income so women deserve a longer fully paid maternity leave! Paid paternity leave for atleast 2 weeks!


Paid paternity leave is also needed! Many other countries allow both the mother and father to leave work. The father is so important to have by the mother and baby’s side during this time!


Yes! We need to support our mothers in America to raise their families! Countries like Serbia get 1 whole YEAR of PAID maternity leave, 2 if you have twins. This is such a huge issue we need to address in our country

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Yes! Make maternity leave mandatory. I have to pay for short term disability and if I get pregnant they may pay for the time I would be off. So I’m still not sure if I would get any pay for that time.

We don’t need more government regulation, we need less. With less regulation and propping up the nuclear family, a mother could stay home indefinitely on a single salary family. No maternity leave needed.

I agree.

I have also proposed a related bill. It’s probably still too liberal for the GOP, but I’m just throwing this out there because I truly believe in it.

It offers 12 weeks paid maternal leave, with some kickbacks to fathers AND offers unpaid 8 hours off weekly for full time working parents, and flexibility for college students who are either working or are custodial parents.

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I agree. Women should not lose placement in college programs because they had a baby. Paid maternity/paternity leave are prolife policies.