Stop vaccine mandates in order for children to attend school

Stop all vaccine mandates in order for children to attend school. Especially in California with no exemptions. It should be the parent’s choice whether or not to vaccinate OUR children. We have absolutely no say in the matter if we want our children to attend school.
If you want your child to be vaccinated that’s great but don’t make it a law to attend school.
If vaccines work then you shouldn’t have a problem if my child is unvaccinated.
I’ve seen children go from perfectly fine to completely disabled after receiving a vaccine. Once a vaccine is inside you, you cannot take it out. Is that worth your babies life? To just “possibly” lessen the risk of contracting a virus that your body can take care of by itself?
Please do your own research and ask your doctor for an insert with all of the warnings from a vaccine before you inject it into your child.
Look up the ingredients in each vaccine straight from the CDC website and learn about what each one is. I have not met a single person that has done THOROUGH AND CORRECT research on vaccines and their consequences and still chooses to inject their helpless children. PLEASE educate yourself.


Completely agree!


agree for NYS.

Even more, read the book The Poisoned Needle. Hair raising, that book is!

I’m trying to start a similar discussion, this is what I wrote…

Currently in California there are thousands of families adversely impacted by a 2020 law change that essentially prevents doctors from writing vaccine exemptions without loosing their license. My doctor friend is on probation with the medical dept. For this very reason for example. This law needs to change, CA families (and other states) are desperate for help to simply educate their kids, and not live in fear of loosing their children to CPS etc. for their beliefs around healthcare for their kids.

The effect of this 2020 law is that before my child turned one year old, I suddenly had no access to any childcare or school in my home state of CA. All my plans as a first time mom went out the window instantly and amidst a pandemic. I am a single mom who, without any warning, had my world ripped from beneath me as I was in effect prevented from working to support my child alone (unless he joins me at work which is obviously not ideal, particularly given my profession).

My five year old child, who was signed up for school while in my womb, has since subsequently never been allowed to attend any school in CA where we were both born and raised. Meanwhile I am unable to move without the courts approval which is almost impossible to obtain and takes up to a year to do where I live. the family law judge is currently deciding my case where I could loose my child entirely over my health beliefs. CPS can be called to take children away for having this belief as well. The implications of this law (and others) denying our rights to belief and choice, are so dire for all natural families like ours.

My child had an adverse reaction to the only vaccine I was pressured to give him, that our doctor won’t even record. the CLETs system should be trashed it only tracks people they consider anti-vaxers and is ineffective, only a very small few are lucky to get on it again because of this law change and all Schools do not allow you to attend unless you are on this list. I know mothers who have vaccine injured children who experienced doctors denying any adverse effects and they can’t even get an exemption to attend school either with severely damaged children.

This state law is federally unconstitutional as far as I understand. We have to right to educate our children without going against our beliefs and injecting them with untested vaccines, that have death listed as a possible side effect, and are made by pharmaceutical companies who have no legal liability. I would never inject my child with anything that could potentially kill him and where the manufacturer won’t even stand behind their products. It goes against all of my beliefs around his health.

Its unbelievable to me that keeping your children safe from possible death or harms can cause you to loose your children, but this is a regular occurrence in CA. PLEASE HELP.

I unfortunately know more than I’d ever like to know about this topic, and I would be honored to help other families to rewrite these wrongs. Please let me know if I may be of service, I’d gladly relocate to make it happen.


For communicating with me please use this email that I wasn’t able to verify since My phone broke - NikkiJeanNorris@gmail. com

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We need legislation removing childhood vaccination requirements from the ability to attend tax dollar paid for public education. A child’s vaccine status is private between parents and Providers. It is violation of that privacy to have a child’s vaccine record stored in a school’s file cabinet. And a waste of taxpayer dollars to have a school staff member coerce through paper mailings, phone calls and visits to ensure children are vaccinated.

100% There are injuries from these poisonous vaccines that may not even show up until years later. NO ONE should be forced to put something in their bodies they don’t want!

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As someone who was vaccine injured when I went to go back to college, we need to take the word child out of the bill and just say person. I also know that many young people were pressured to take the COVID vaccine to continue their education. They are not children, but young adults. So just change the wording to person/human.

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I like that idea. I am sorry that you were vaccine injured. I pray you found recovery and relief. And I am glad that you are an advocate for medical freedom to an education. The difference is K-12 public education is paid for by tax dollars. However, no educational institutions whether funded via taxes or directly paid by the person should have their personal health vaccination status tied to admission or attendance in a public or private school settings or government or private daycares.