Pass a bill that explicitly prohibits lawmakers from enriching themselves by trading stocks with non-public information. This would include family members (Pauly P) and another they have passed information to.
100% agree!! why should they get even richer off insider information
Also themselves and along with their family are not to be given preferential treatment for any government contracts.
Just like the Banks, they do not allow their employees to trade on the Bank’s investments. All trades are monitored and have to be cleared/recorded. Your trades have to held for 30-days or longer. It’s called ‘Under the Roof’ policy which impacts anyone who lives with in a household. Yes, please call this policy the Pelosi Act.
She is a 100% conflict of interest. It is time to dismantle the Deep State.
THIS! 1000% agree… I believe there is already legislation in place that makes this illegal, however, it is not enforced. This is worse than insider trading in my opinion!!
Kind of impossible, they’ll simply use proxies. I think it might be better to simply add a delay until laws are implemented after being passed, effectively allowing everyone to get in on it and thus remove the value of insider trading.
Yes! And anybody living in same home … they recieve files of private info on business its a conflict of interest and should be top secret
Insider trading is manipulation of stock.
They would also need to provide quarterly financial reports, records, and transactions.
I might go so far as to require all members of Congress to place their (and their spouses) private investments under the control of an uninterested, third party, financial planning company for the duration of their public service.
They are supposed to be there to serve the people and do this job out of duty. Once they have special rules for themselves, they are no longer public servants. They are benefiting greatly off of the inside information they have access to. Then in these jobs for too many years.
Have a confidential team that personally audits them continuously just like the IRS does to us and see how they like it then
She needs to be investigated by the SEC for insider trading.
If caught jail time, lose all money which is given to charity, lose their job and all benefits and pensions
What separates this from the current insider trading law? And are they “breaking” that law or circumventing it with loopholes? What loopholes could be created around this?
Insider trading involves non-public information about a company. Potential new regulations or a bill that is about to be passed is public information.