Give the people their financial sovereignty. Dissolve this debt based financial system. We fought against taxation without representation and now the government takes half of what we earn. Remove the banking cartel!!!
YES, coming back to leave full comment later.
Agree, this should be done right away.
I sure hope this new administration closes out the days of the fed. Going back to a gold or silver backed currency would give the American citizen actual buying power. Nothing costs more than it did in the 50s. The dollars just worth less.
It’s our money we work hard for. Stop letting the government steal it from us. We earn it let us then spend it.
Excellent idea
While the banking system could be improved, I don’t believe dissolving the Federal Reserve would not improve the financial situation of most Americans.
Removing the Federal Reserve would remove one of the most effective ways to help control the economy.
A central bank is crucial for most developed countries, and many countries with weak economies do not have strong monetary controls like the US. The value of the US dollar would plummet and the public would likely become instantly responsible for paying the US debt.
A failure to do so would likely be the end of the US stock market as investors world wide would pull all money out of US markets.
I work in financial markets for my job. This is a terrible idea I’m sorry. ,
Central bank is central control. Who ever controls the bank controls the nation and its people with the stroke of a pen. Having unfettered and open access to whatever money is needed to help openly and freely build businesses using the People’s own free will and knowledge, being able to individually profit off their own acuity.
As for the national debt, that national debt is owed by the government that borrowed it, not by the People. I would actually move to take away, through Constitutional Amendment, the government’s ability to mortgage its people like slaves (known as borrowing against the People as the full faith and credit of the nation).
Further yet, there is not and has not been any value in the US Dollar since we were taken off the Gold Standard by H.J.R. 192 in 1935. Since then, the dollar is a debt note as defined in the Definitions section of USC 26. Since a debt cannot be paid with a debt (note), no debts, public or private, have been lawfully satisfied since 1935, including any National Debt payment. Ever wonder why the National Debt has never gone down?
If you abolish the IRS and the federal reserve you eliminate the ability to control monetary policy and the governments ability to pay the interest on the debt which is funded by taxes. Leaving the citizens to pay
As for the gold standard it’s no longer feasible. There is not enough gold on planet for it to be used as a form of currency. The nation would have to mine all of the gold in the world in order to sustain the economy.
Using today’s comprehension of a fake currency, you’re right. But inflation doesn’t affect a fixed value item. This is why gold and silver have always been the hedge fund item of choice. The false scarcity mindset created by the elite has driven a value that only exists within that mindset.
As for that national debt thing, it only exists because of the over extending of value because the item of valuable consideration (gold, silver) was removed, thus making the paper of no value. Remove the bank supporting that system of debt and the debt itself disappears. We the People cannot be held liable for a debt we never gave permission for the creation of.
Tell me you know nothing about blockchain and the Quantum Financial System without telling me you know nothing about blockchain and the Quantum Financial System. Just because you work in a specific field doesn’t make you an expert. I’ve had plenty of employees that suck at their job. Thanks for the response though.
Yes, enough is enough. There is not one law in place that gives the IRS any power, yet they are thugs and come after our citizens all the time and destroy their lives, this should not be allowed.
I agree. The Federal Reserve is not federal, it is privately owned. It charges the government (taxpayers) money for printing money. Why do we need private bankers to do this for us?