Stay home Mom pay

Mothers/Fathers/ grandparents, who want to stay home and raise their children, grandchildren, and elder parents. They should receive income, to allow them to be at home parents. Just like daycares receive money from the government, Care takers should have a set amount to be able to stay at home, they can work part time or have a at home business that allows them to add to their income. Till the kids are in high school, or elder parents are in nursing homes or deceased.


I so agree! If a family chooses for the Mom to stay home there should be just as much financial relief afforded them.


If you’re going to get paid to stay home, who is going to work? Who’s going to pay for this? Working people?


Maybe give them the same stipend that is given to cover daycare. Allows you to choose either put child in Daycare or stay at home.


Who should we force to pay this?


Interesting concept.
I would agree to bust my a$$ and make this happen if it saves Americans from a birthing collapse.


Do you have an idea on how this would be funded? I am not necessarily opposed to this idea but if not done in the right way we would be moving towards a universal basic income.


This pay comes from the working class. Aka this is a socialist policy.
Fundamentally it does not fit within a capitalist society. Want to stay at home and raise your kids? Find a partner who does, or work to find a job to cover for that gap.

Another way to solve this is to encourage family units to stay together. If this happens, you can compile wealth into one big pile and it goes hella further.


If it’s voluntary, that’s fine…

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There are no family supporting one income jobs anymore. The economy is built around two incomes.


Don’t forget family burdened with taking care of the disabled!


So, instead of this coming for the government to pay it, what if we allowed a certain tax credit on the main providers income so there’s more in your pay check?


Here’s the thing… I’m skeptical. I AM a stay at home mom. But I know when someone gives you money, they also get some say in how you use it, usually. And I dont like the idea of someone else having to pay for my life choices to some degree. That being said, they do subsidized daycare, so I could see just adding that as an option for childcare. As long as no extra regulation comes along with it.

If nothing else… it would provide incentive for people to start families. And I am all about that. But it may be better as a write off or something, or possibly some way for the sole earner to keep more of their income or something to also encourage families to stay together


I’d be more supportive of this in the form of hefty tax breaks, similar to what Trump has stated he will do for homeschooling.

The National average cost of childcare per Grok is around $11,500 per child annually, with some variation.

If you did a tax break for that amount per child, that would greatly benefit families. Considering this is my current situation, staying home with two babies while my husband works, it would greatly help receiving this benefit on our deductions for federal taxes.

This could also encourage larger families, similar to what Texas was trying to do.


Well fixing that is going to require going down some Ron Paul esq changes :crazy_face:

I actually think this is a good idea- but there should be an age gap. Like 6 years old so the kids can go to school and during school the parent could find a part time/full time job.


I don’t think paid. But I do think a tax credit should be issued to promote traditional values. Tax credit of $10,000 per child.


The creation of more stay at home jobs would be beneficial.


From Grok:

Former President Donald Trump has promised tax relief for homeschooling parents, stating they can receive up to $10,000 per year per child for costs associated with homeschool education. Here’s what has been discussed:

  • Tax Relief: Trump pledged to eliminate taxes on up to $10,000 a year per child on all costs associated with their children’s homeschool education. This policy would essentially provide homeschooling families with a significant tax write-off or credit.

  • Policy Extension: He referenced a policy from his previous term where parents could use 529 education savings plans to spend up to $10,000 tax-free per year on tuition for various forms of education, which he aims to extend to cover homeschooling expenses more explicitly.

  • Support for Homeschooling: Beyond the tax benefits, Trump has expressed support for homeschooling families, aiming to ensure they have access to benefits similar to those available to non-homeschool students, like participation in school activities.

This information aligns with discussions and promises made online and in various web sources, reflecting his stance on supporting homeschool education through financial incentives.


I took care of three 100% disabled relatives for decades. Not all families are supportive. The rest of my family did not contribute anything towards their care. They “couldn’t” because they had to keep working and saving for their own retirement. I took them in, and in doing so saved the government hundreds of thousands of dollars. It would be nice to get a small piece of that for my retirement. I’d settle for just counting those years that I could not work outside my home towards Social Security.