Blood bank for the MRNA unvaccinated

There are lots of people that are unvaccinated (covid) that would like clean blood in case of an emergency.


there is a website that documents those persons worldwide who are vax free. the website intentions are to allow vax free persons in your area to give blood on your behalf. kind of like a meet up board. sorry cannot remember the address.
in california i was able to give blood for my wifes surgery, but had to drive 2 hrs to get it done. many states are not as accommodating vax or unvaxed . a vax free blood bank is a great idea.


See “By His Blood”

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The vax free blood bank should not cost any more than the normal blood banks.


I agree 100 percent.

I actually worked with one of the largest blood collectors and testors in the world, and they test for so many things. They used to even be super careful about possibilities. You would think they would test for things like this, but it seems they don’t. I heard of a baby that needed a transfusion. The “unvaccinated” parents DEMANDED that the child get “unvaccinated” blood, but the hospital did the opposite, and the baby died of a known complication to it. This really should NEVER happen!


We are also willing to donate unvaxxed blood if it is labeled as such and only used on unvaxxed patients.


I would not keep a hospital from using my UNvaxxed blood donation on a vaxxed person. If they need help they need help! I know plenty of people who now regret getting the jab. I won’t deny them help. But I do agree that those of us who are unvaxxed should have the option of using blood that comes from unvaxxed people.


I wish, but I don’t think that can be done.

Supply and demand, there’s more of them. If you fix the price on clean blood to the price of sludgeblood, there will be a shortage of clean blood.

While I’m at it, it’s a farce that people donate their blood for free to the red cross who then sells it to hospitals for big money. Decentralizing the blood bank game would go a long way to improving cost and availability, I think.


If our medication and food come with “labels” then so should blood. I have only donated blood once, and that was before I learned blood donations were largely sold for profit. And even prior to that, I never liked the thought of receiving blood from a source that did not disclose the full ingredients list. There should be some differentiation though I am not sure the right solution. As an un-vaccinated person, I’d also prefer blood from the same.


Dang I didn’t think of that good idea!

If such a thing ever came about, WE THE PEOPLE need to ensure that the bank never becomes contaminated, which would require non-governmental oversight granting unrestricted access to the supply so that random sampling and testing can be periodically performed. These testers need cart blanche access to EVERY drop of it…they should be able to show up anywhere at any time and say "I want THAT bag, THAT vial, those needles, those vials, etc. and have complete ownership of them right at that time, for testing. Surprise inspections always worked in the Army. They can work with this Blood Bank as well.


Yes for all the thoughtful unvaccinated people!

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I think OP should edit the title to specify this is about mRNA shots, more so than vaccinations in general.

This topic will get more eyes on it if people know it’s not necessarily broadly anti-vaccination, although I know opinions on traditional vaccinations vary too.


I will see if I can change it. Thanks




agree. since covid the term “vaxxed” became synonymous with the mrna covid vaccine. definition of terms are important for a thorough discussion. interestingly with a quick internet search i could not find a list of mrna vaccines. so much for the “information highway”.


This needs to happen. So many people are getting stage 4 turbo cancer right after blood transfusions with vaxxed blood. This NEEDS to be regulated. So many people are going to die. Honestly, what’s the point of saving someone’s life, just to make them die a terrible death a few months later when the clots or cancer kicks in. Shameful.

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I love this idea, but struggle to think it through logistically. A couple of things I struggle with:

  1. Can they do a simple blood test to know for sure if someone has been vaxed for C-19? I know there were a few different shots and I don’t know if there’s a way to test for all of them (or any of them for that matter) with one test.
  2. Would this be an entirely new Blood Bank or are we talking about the existing blood banks and they would be keeping the non vaxed blood separate?

I think the constant enforcement and monitoring expenses of such a blood bank could better be utilized coming up with a hemotological breakthru which might provide recipients with a universal untyped synthetic blood plasma and red/white clone cells which could serve in place of blood until the body builds up the required blood supply on its own over time. This would remove all concerns of cross-contamination between source and target hosts. The amount of money sent over to Ukraine or the Middle East thusfar could have already supplied such a breakthru, and provided a massive research foundation to back it up. Seems we only have a priority to break $#!T these days, instead of producing things.