Preamble of The Declaration of Independence (1776)
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the individual right to keep and bear arms. This right is not granted by the government, but rather is a fundamental, God-given right that is inherent to our humanity. As such, it is only constitutionally protected, not created by the Constitution.
Our rights are unalienable, meaning that they cannot be taken away or surrendered by the individual. The Constitution does not limit the rights of the people, but rather limits the power of the government.
The term “well-regulated” in the 18th century did not refer to government regulation, but rather to the idea of a well-organized, well-armed, and well-disciplined. The militia was composed of all able-bodied males, and the right to keep and bear arms was essential to the security of a free state.
The phrase “shall not be infringed” is an imperative command, not a permissive statement. It means that the government is absolutely prohibited from violating or limiting the right to keep and bear arms.
In conclusion, the Second Amendment clearly guarantees a individual the right to keep and bear arms, and this right is not subject to government regulation or limitation it.
Important dates in the history of gun control laws:
1791: 2A ratified
1934: NFA Passed (imposed tax on the making and transferring of firearms)
1939: NFA updated (with the following act)
To provide for the confscation of frearms in possession of persons convicted of felony and disposition thereof.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congres: assembled, That when any person is convicted in any court of the United States of any of the crimes of murder, manslaughter, felonious assault, rape, killing or assaulting a Federal officer, robbery, burglary, bank robbery, killing or kidnaping in committing bank robbery or in avoiding or attempting to avoid apprehension for the commission of bank robbery or in freeing one’s self or attempting to free one’s self from arrest or confinement for bank robbery, transporting or causing to be transported a kidnaped person in interstate or foreion
commerce. transporting or causing to be transported a stolen motor vehicle in interstate or foreign commerce, Or any felony perpetrated in whole or in part by the use of firearms, Or an attempt to commit any of the foregoing crimes, the court in its judgment of conviction MAY, in addition to the pệnalty or penalties prescribed by law for the punishment of such crime or crimes, order the confiscation and disposal of firearms and ammunition found in the possession or under the immediate control of such person at the time of his arrest. The court may direct the delivery of such frearms or ammunition to the law-enforcement agency which apprehended such person, for its use or for any other disposition in its discretion,
Approved, June 13, 1939,
1968: Gun Control Act (prohibits the sale of firearms and ammunition to felons and certain other prohibited persons)
1972: ATF Created
1986: Hughes Amendment (prohibit the transfer or possession of machine guns)
1994: Brady Bill & AWB (5 day waiting period imposed)
1998: NICS created
2018: Bumpstock Ban
2023: Pistol Brace Rule
They will never stop trying to take your rights.
If you research the actual language of our Founding Documents and define the words at the time of writing, you’d see that all gun control laws are Unconstitutional!
Plus, the 2A was not written just for sport or hunting… Our Forefathers just broke from a tyrannical government and won their freedoms. They knew that the only thing holding back any government was well armed citizens to hold that government accountable.