When a person owns their property - they really do not own it because of property tax! Property tax should be eliminated and the burden of school taxes and other taxes be shared between all the residents via a sales tax or other forms of revenue.
This is a must so all Americans can enjoy the American Dream - especially our aging population who get kicked out of their homes because of the high property taxes where their homes are taken or they are forced to sell.
The taxes are used for school and town/city improvements- just place a 2% tax on goods and services to cover the costs -Everyone goes to school and everyone uses the services in towns and cities whether they are visiting or living there.
Agree with your premise, but since property is taxed at the state level I don’t think the federal government has the authority (constitutionally) to dictate how each state makes its tax revenue.
Hello Megan, I do agree with you- Anything can be taxed - if states start making it attractive to exclude property taxes altogether then it makes attractive to homeowners to move to that state. I pay a personal tax in PA - most states don’t have a personal tax. Other states have a car or motorcycle property tax every year.
I just believe continuous and increasing property taxes to push the elderly out of their homes is not the answer.
Thanks for your ideas and input - I agree with you that it is up to the states - I am in favor of a flat tax federally and state wide on goods and services.
I am in not in favor of reoccurring taxes on property like vehicles- motor homes- houses- or land.
I am also in favor of smaller government - but enough for military and homeland security.
In Texas your annual housing tax is based on the perceived value of your house. In most instances this value keeps going up. If you are not selling your house you are paying a tax on unrealized income. You should only pay a tax when you are buying or selling a home not throughout the life of the house. This is particularly difficult for older people on a fixed income.
Except for the mega wealthy and by that I mean net worth over 100 million. Only because they WILL abuse this. Senior citizens and the poor should not have to pay taxes on property.
Get rid of property tax completely, but pay separately for garbage pickup, % toward snow removal on your street, and when needed, % of road improvement on your street. Only pay for school if you have a child in school. Sometimes there are winters where you get very little snow. Same for road improvement. It’s not every year, your street needs repairs. Basically your bill each month would be for garbage pickup.
Flat tax - if all are taxed when they purchase things then there are no freeloaders or continued tax on items you own. Same for business peraonal property tax - should be banned.
As a result of property taxes, we DONT OWN OUR PROPERTY rather we live on TAX FARMS as serfs. Gods law never intended for his people to be slaves to property and be forced to pay to live on a plot of land. We should all have and be granted a land patent for our current property and have allodial title to said property of which our ability to maintain this until we choose to sell the property is tax free and able to be passed down to our children without the government stepping in to collect a tax!
We make improvements to property, and we get taxed more for improving the property which makes no sense.
I’m okay with paying property taxes whoever I don’t like that you have to pay more because you have a nicer/more expensive home than someone pays that has less. For example, why do I have to pay more taxes when I add an addition to my house? It’s no more of a burden to the community. In fact when you improve the value of your home you bring up the value of your neighbors homes as well so why should you be punished for that??
I am so with this… if we do have to have some sort of “property” taxation, I think the assessment process needs to be different… inflation screws us, and we are paying tax on an unrealized gain… the penalties are ridiculous, as well, we were paying $1400 year, 20 years ago, not it’s over $4,000 a year, and since then, no street cleaners, no road repair, and no leaf program, which we had over 10 years ago…
I live in the Communist State of Corrupticut…And we pay property tax on our vehicles…every year…as well as a State Income Tax…and the highest gas tax in the land…and property tax on our homes…
Land Value Taxation is the best taxation to eliminate tax avoidance, cheating, or taxing the working class.
Google Henry George, Georgist, LVT. Progress and Poverty.
It goes like this: eliminate all taxes, ie capital gains tax, payroll tax, income tax, and sales tax. Do not tax the improvements you make to your building, or house, just the value of the land itself. Theory is that land value follows the growth of the infrastructure which is paid for public roads, energy transmission , sewers, water. All LVT revenue is basically a tax on landlord Rent. This wouldn’t penalize the hard work of improving your land while your neighbor might sit back and wait for your improvements to make his empty land more valuable. Also, philosophically you dont own land, it’s God given. You are just using it , and you must not under utilize its potential.
The government could come up with a policy and regulation that makes reoccurring property tax - whether it be in cars - land-homes- RVs etc as illegal and any property type taxes must be a one time tax up-front at the time of purchase! It can be done - don’t say get it’s not a federal issue - it’s an American issue nationwide!