There are three sets of proposals that should be merged. They tend to be supported by the same people. These duplicates are unnecessary because this topic is already well-known with a lot of votes, but then the duplicates take up unnecessary space from other proposals.
I propose that the following # policy proposals, about banning IRS/income tax, get merged:
Written by @KadenS30
(IRS dismantling )
Written by @VtownPilot
Abolish the IRS. Move to a consumption tax system. All other taxes (income, property, death, etc.) vanish. Give people the choice how they spend their money and are taxed. Save your money, pay less taxes. Spend all your money pay some taxes. Those who spend vast amounts more than others will pay more taxes when they buy that next car, boat, or plane. There would be a standard refund based on household size and no tax on food, medical care, and household necessities. Sales tax would be higher th…
We need to permanently delete the income tax scam, and we need to revoke the 16th Amendment, even though technically it makes no difference because the income tax is illegal and unconstitutional, and it’s the biggest scam in the history of the world.
But we also need to abolish the IRS; that no longer needs to be a government agency. If we truly want to be a free country again, we cannot have the IRS at all!
Income tax cripples the everyday American. Business people can make it work to their a…
#4 Written by @LeeRoyJenkins
There is no such thing as a Corporate Tax, the only people who pay taxes are the end users, who purchase the items. Companies roll any tax rate into the price of goods. The entire purpose of Federal Tax Law is for politicians to hide handouts, not just to corporations, industries, or institutions. With a standard percentage sales tax Congress would be forced to account for every percentage of tax, just like your local city has to account for every percentage. Furthermore, a sales tax would capt…
Written by @ThomasPaine
Replace income and capital gains tax and replace them with tariffs and a national sales tax(consumption tax). Exempt discount brand “essential” products from the sales tax.
This will allow the poor, and all people, to be able to avoid taxes and save money whenever they choose. Consumption tax incentivizes the saving and reinvesting of money back into companies and investments.
Here is a good book on the subject:
The FairTax Book: Saying Goodbye to the Income Tax and the IRS
By Neal B…
#6 Written by @Hobz09
If we can end federal income tax on overtime why stop there? From my understanding income tax only started to support the war effort almost a century ago and was only supposed to be for that… what is it being used for now?
#7 Written by @CG2024
The IRS is a BANE of American life. Why do Americans need to PAY with privately issued currency to a department created under dubious circumstances, which can destroy American Lives to enforce what ultimately ends up in government corruption and malfeasance? The IRS isn’t the only tool to go after FARA issues. We can enforce treason against America again to deal with FARA issues.
Written by @danielleshields11
Scratch the IRS and majorly simplify the tax code. You should just be able to log into a website, it tells you exactly how much you owe, and you pay it right there.
Written by @Tex
Not a new idea but abolish the IRS. Collect a national sales tax. It will encourage saving over spending. Make food exempt.
I propose that the following policies, related to banning property tax, be merged:
Written by @Ell
END PROPERTY TAXES!!! No-one should have to pay off their home and then keep paying for it in the form of property taxes.
Written by @KristinaK
In many states property owners never truly own their property. If they become delinquent on property tax, their home can be taken away. I propose no property taxes allowed on primary residences. That way once you hold the title to your property it is yours.
Written by Gerald Minster
When a person owns their property - they really do not own it because of property tax! Property tax should be eliminated and the burden of school taxes and other taxes be shared between all the residents via a sales tax or other forms of revenue.
This is a must so all Americans can enjoy the American Dream - especially our aging population who get kicked out of their homes because of the high property taxes where their homes are taken or they are forced to sell.
Written by @AudreyTN865
We should not have to worry about losing our
homes that we spend 30 years to pay for because of property taxes. You want to create a state tax or a higher wheel tax to pay for roadways, okay. But leave my house out of it. I shouldn’t be continually taxed every year on something I own.
Written by @Cjs1
Allow people to actually own the homes and property they purchase. Indefinitely paying “lot rent” so the township/county doesnt take your home is absurd. You never get to OWN your home.
Written by @Kpuckett
I have paid taxes on my property since the day I got it.
When I finally get it paid off, I’m still paying taxes on it. I think it’s time we remove taxes on property that is legally considered mine.
Written by @Papaduff
Get rid of Property Tax.
If my home or dwelling is on a property and I own my Home. I shouldn’t have to pay for the Property it’s on. Maybe the exceptions should be, only if I am paying off a mortgage. And then once payed off the property tax stops.
Written by @Austin_Ervin
No one should have to continually pay taxes on ANY purchase. Homes, cars, land, etc. The whole idea that you have to annually pay to own something you already bought, or risk having it taken from you, is ludicrous and unconstitutional.
Written by @davidandlexa
Property taxes are essentially non-constitutional because the right to “the pursuit of happiness” originally was meant to be “property” (but the writers didn’t want others to use that argument to justify slavery). Property is essential to the American Dream for American families.
Property tax came much later after the founders and makes it so American citizens are not the 100% owners of their homes and property.
Also, the USA has a LOT of its land bought out by many other countries (especially…
Written by @Dekeita
Other suggestions don’t go far enough. Start by passing a law prohibiting Property Tax outright for everyone across any assets. And push for a constitutional amendment banning it forever at every level of government.
I propose that the following proposals related to ending the Fed, be merged:
Written by @Yoyorolo
Plain and simple…let the market determine interest rates. Most of the economic busts are caused by the Fed’s interest rate policies. Letting interest rates sit at 1-2% for years has destroyed the idea of saving…forcing people to spend.
Written by @Aesop
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 transferred authority over the U.S. money supply and banking system from Congress to a private banking elite, allowing them to generate money from nothing, provide loans to the Government, and collect interest on those loans. It was passed Dec. 23, 1913, when most of Congress was on holiday. In 1974, Congress clarified the role of the Fed, which is to promote: 1) maximum employment and 2) stable prices. These, time has shown, are lies to the American People. The F…
Written by @MichaelArt
This policy proposes to abolish the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, dismantle the Federal Reserve System, and return control of the nation’s monetary policy to elected officials and the American people. For over a century, the Federal Reserve has centralized power, fueled inflation, and prioritized financial elites over everyday citizens. By repealing this act, the U.S. can restore fairness, transparency, and accountability to its economy.
Why This Policy is Necessary
Restoring Constit…
Written by @TheTerryStop
Our current economic system is facing numerous challenges, including inflation, debt, and a declining faith in U.S. credit. To address these issues, we propose a comprehensive plan that includes ending the Federal Reserve, bringing the power to coin money back to Congress, buying Bitcoin and gold to back up our currency, and ending income tax.
II. Ending the Federal Reserve
The Federal Reserve has been at the center of our economic system for over a century, but its actions have led to increas…
I propose that you EITHER close the following proposals or merge with one of the above because they combine ideas related to banning IRS, the Fed, income and/or property tax in the same post:
Written by @Det1mac
Proposed, 14, November 2024
The Sixteenth Article of Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.
No direct tax shall be applied to Citizens of the United States of America.
Written by @JWest
Abolish the stranglehold of the deepstate and the corrupt financial institutions. End the fed, irs, cia, and the wars they profit from!!!
Written by @Unknown_Unknown
Give the people their financial sovereignty. Dissolve this debt based financial system. We fought against taxation without representation and now the government takes half of what we earn. Remove the banking cartel!!!