End The Fed

Our current economic system is facing numerous challenges, including inflation, debt, and a declining faith in U.S. credit. To address these issues, we propose a comprehensive plan that includes ending the Federal Reserve, bringing the power to coin money back to Congress, buying Bitcoin and gold to back up our currency, and ending income tax.

II. Ending the Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve has been at the center of our economic system for over a century, but its actions have led to increased debt, inflation, and an unstable financial system. We believe it’s time to end the Federal Reserve and bring the power to coin money back to Congress, as mandated by the Constitution. This will allow for more transparency and accountability in our monetary policy.

III. Buying Bitcoin and Gold

To back up our currency and reduce our reliance on fiat money, we propose buying Bitcoin and gold. These assets have proven to be stable stores of value and will help to maintain the purchasing power of our currency. Additionally, investing in Bitcoin will allow us to tap into the growing cryptocurrency market and stay competitive in the global economy.

IV. Ending Income Tax

Our current tax system is complex and burdensome, and we believe it’s time to end income tax. This will allow individuals to keep more of their hard-earned money and stimulate economic growth. We can replace income tax with a more fair and simple tax system, such as a consumption tax.

V. Implementing a New Monetary System

To implement our proposal, we will need to establish a new monetary system that is transparent, accountable, and stable. This will involve the following steps:

  • Constitutional Amendment: We will need to pass a constitutional amendment to end the Federal Reserve and bring the power to coin money back to Congress.

  • Bitcoin and Gold Reserves: We will need to establish a system for buying and storing Bitcoin and gold to back up our currency.

  • New Currency: We will need to introduce a new currency that is backed by Bitcoin and gold, and gradually phase out the old currency.

  • Simple Tax System: We will need to implement a simple and fair tax system to replace income tax.

VI. Conclusion

Our proposal offers a comprehensive plan for reforming our economic system and addressing the challenges we face. By ending the Federal Reserve,



Absolutely correct. It needs to happen to save the nation, there simply is no other way.


The Ron Paul is strong with this youngling.

Remember the Titanic!


I agree that the Fed should end, but it should be replaced with deterministic and mathematics-based, decentralized smart contracts, not just backed with Bitcoin and gold. Bitcoin can be the collateral for debt, but new debt issuance should be algorithmic, not based on some dude saying hawkish or dovish things at a press conference.


This is could be in the economic, liberty or peace category. The fed is an institution that exists to enable the federal government to steal monetary energy from citizens. This money is used to fund the deep state, the military industrial complex, the regulatory industrial complex and the public health agencies. Without the fed America could not have financed most of the trivial wars we have engaged in, it couldn’t have bailed out the banks in 2008, and couldn’t have inflated away the wealth of middle class Americans during Covid to the favor of wealthy asset holders. The fed is fundamentally evil. The free market is perfectly capable of setting interest rates. The fed has no benefit.


I wish I could vote for this twice!

We need to end the Fed to deprive the US Corporation (the federal government) and its subsidiaries of cheap funding for was and racketeering and cover for money laundering which will have the beautiful side effect that they will no longer be able to afford endless wars including the war on drugs, war on cancer, war on terrorism etc, and no longer be able to sustain their posture as enemy of the people.

This country would prosper with the return to asset backed currency but it should not be limited to gold and silver. All commons should be part of the asset pool, and natural resources should not be privatized. Extraction must be licensed and the fees paid back to the people. To replace the Fed’s ostensible purpose which was the ability to expand and contract the money supply as needed, there needs to be a new system for the people to create and issue their own promissory notes to trade for goods and services which can be in smart contract, blockchain token format, so long as it’s decentralized and people’s credit ratings are determined by a regulated free market in a decentralized way.

A constitutional amendment won’t be necessary. Ending the Fed in itself will be an end to the treason that has been perpetrated against the constitution since 1913 when they outsourced the supplying of money to a privately owned institution in a way that every new dollar is borrowed into existence at interest instead of putting interest-free gold and solver certificates and coin into circulation; and the treason became acutely severe since 1933 when congress suspended payments in gold for public debts (see HJR 192). That should be reversed.

A replacement for income tax is not necessary either. There is already sufficient revenue from other excise taxes and tariffs and legitimate indirect taxation on passive income. The so-called income tax on people’s wages and salaries was never legitimate and it’s time to end the deception and racketeering. This revenue was never used to pay for government services (see Grace Commission Report), but was instead used to pay the interest on the dollars provided by the Federal Reserve. Ending the Fed will also end the need to pay interest and enslave wage earners for 25% to shoulder that burden.


Technically, you can vote for this twice. There are a few others who have posted this same thing or something similar including “Abolish The Fed”. Because they are basically the same thing, they will eventually blend them together and the votes will be combined.

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Bumping this to the top. Ending the Fed would halt the rampant spending that has resulted in lost trillions upon trillions of dollars.

Abolish the abomination from Jekyll Island and repeal the Federal Reserve Act Of 1913! This stops the Federal Government from creating indentured servants of the people by devaluing our currency at will and destroying the middle class via the most devastating hidden tax that exists today. It prevents the massive distortion of the business cycle due to crony influenced, non-market interest rates and prevents the mercantilist public-private symbiosis by removing the ability to “socialize risk but privatize profits.”

Why are we paying a private industry intrest to expand and control our money supply? This is insane and is being used by the less than 1 percent to profit from the tax dollars of the 99 percent. Its legalized slavery. Our entire economic wealth is being stolen and most people never realize it.

We need to:

  1. End fiat currency.

With the American dollar in decline, now is the time to return to a silver- or gold-backed dollar which cannot be inflated overnight. Modern monetary theory (MMT) is a worse blight upon our monetary policy than wokeism has been to our branches of government. When the Fed can quadruple the money supply overnight, it can single-handedly destroy the social contract of our country.

  1. Reform the Fed.

Bring in radical transparency, accountability, and new checks and balances. Monetary policy is equally as important as lawmaking in creating a thriving society. We have checks and balances on congress (lawmaking), but we have no checks and balances on the Fed (monetary policy).

  1. Decentralize the Fed’s power.

Pass laws to ensure that we never have a Central Banked Digital Currency, never have a Digital Dollar, never have a Social Credit Score, and no longer have traceable transactions.

Let’s make our money great again!