I propose merging these 3 proposals as they all call for restoring the ability to create money to Congress as stipulated in the US Constitution.
At the very least: AUDIT the Federal Reserve!
I just found another one that should be merged with the first 3: Monetary Sovereignty Act: A Proposal to Abolish the Federal Reserve and Restore Economic Independence
And this one: Abolish the federal reserve, end debt based currency
Here are some more on the same topic: Abolish the Federal Reserve and fractional reserve banking
Oct 11 - Stop the scam of a private company printing money and loaning it to We The People. The Federal Reserve has enslaved the people of this country and steals their wealth through the hidden tax of inflation. This system also pairs the inflation with the ridiculously high rates of taxes we pay. Both s…
Abolishment of Federal Reserve
ABOLISH the private federal reserve
ObservationFederal Reserve System
3d - . . . and confiscate the trillions that have been stolen from the American taxpayers thru inflation and boom/bust cycles since 1913.
End the Federal Reserve and Fiat currency
2d - A comprehensive plan to abolish the Federal Reserve, which is the central bank of the United States, would involve significant financial, political, and economic reform. This plan would need to address the implications for monetary policy, banking, government finance, and the overall economy. Her…
Oct 11 - Policy Proposal: Abolishing the Federal Reserve and Reforming U.S. Monetary Policy The U.S. should abolish the Federal Reserve (FED) and seek new, transparent methods to back the nation’s currency, fostering economic growth and individual wealth. The FED’s centralized control of monetary policy a…
End the Federal Reserve and Fiat currency
2d - Assessment of Impacts and Alternatives • Evaluate the Role of the Federal Reserve: Conduct an in-depth assessment of the Federal Reserve’s functions, including monetary policy, regulation of member banks, and maintenance of financial stability. • Study Economic Alternatives: Explore alternative monetary policy
There are 2 more that combine abolishing the fed and returning to the gold standard. I think those should remain separate because the gold standard is a separate topic. As long as banksters control the supply and price of gold, I think that’s likely to be extremely deflationary, as well as impeding economic rcovery.