End Federal Income Tax in favor of a National Sales Tax

There is no such thing as a Corporate Tax, the only people who pay taxes are the end users, who purchase the items. Companies roll any tax rate into the price of goods. The entire purpose of Federal Tax Law is for politicians to hide handouts, not just to corporations, industries, or institutions. With a standard percentage sales tax Congress would be forced to account for every percentage of tax, just like your local city has to account for every percentage. Furthermore, a sales tax would capture everyone, including those whose wages/earnings are not reported to the IRS ie; drug dealers, gamblers, prostitutes, and illegal aliens. We could also implement a national vote on the sales tax percentage, and we would have to vote to increase or decrease it, politicians would have to sell us on their ideas before we were required to pay more.


A sales tax on all stock purchases!


I do like the simplicity of this method. It keeps it easy and I think actually does Capture more revenue depending on how much you spend/lifestyle.


I would have to ask why? You could argue purchasing a stock constitutes a sale and okay just as long as there is no tax when the stock is cashed out, pick your poison.


9-9-9 was Herman Cains’s platform, but I think it could be simplified to just one number. The whole purpose is to simplify it and get rid of the IRS and Congressional carve-outs. Make them explain/account every year where each dollar is going. If Congress wants to spend more they should have to explain why they want to raise your taxes by .5 or 1 percentage point and tell you exactly where it’s going; just like local governments do when you have to vote on tax increases.


We pay a sales tax on precious Why als and of course, a sales tax on stocks becomes of your basis when you sell. Also if you’re reporting a loss on said stocks!


??? Sorry, too many typos for me to follow.


As a retired sales tax professional I can tell you implementation, remittance, standardized taxability and clearly defined taxable assets/services/personal property are key to this type of tax. The definition of what is taxable is the sticky part. Would homes, commercial property, food, rent, utilities, etc. be taxed? I would never want to see a VAT tax as it is complicated and I feel very expensive. I am for a national sales tax rather than income tax, but ultimately there is not currently a revenue problem but a spending problem.


POS systems at the end-user level is where I would start. I would also say food and labor ie; plumbers, electricians, and landscaping, to name just a few, should not be taxable. I completely agree we have a spending problem and that’s why maintaining a specific simple-to-understand tax structure that everyone can relate to is important. Any time the Feds say they don’t have enough money, then you point to the percentage and say (What are you doing with X,Y, and Z already).


You should be talking about Ending the Private Banking Corporation called Federal Reserve, mainly because THAT is where ALL Taxes originate from…

Those ““dollars”” in your pocket, they aren’t Yours, they have an Owner, and the Owners Name is at the top, in the middle, and that’s who says what the Tax is or isn’t, but here you are fighting the Tax, not the one imposing it…


Also the argument that a national sales tax is regressive and bad for low income earners, is not true because a sales tax is based off of the citizens expenses not their income. With that in mind an individual can actually have some control over their expenditures. There can also be a system in place to give sales tax breaks to the lowest income earners to help with the burden for those who need to spend almost all income on needed expenses. Just like how some already apply to and receive food stamps.


Great to see this topic getting so much support. Consider a look at the FairTax Act. This is a bill that is in Congress (HR 25). It abolishes the Income Tax and the IRS and implements national sales tax to be administered primarily by the States. Vote on the FairTax policy proposal here: https://forum.policiesforpeople.com/t/fairtax/


POS systems, and especially on line sales are more complicated than most know to program, that said it is a start and I think that the 9% rate would be likely the starting point. Because remember in sales, there are returns, discounts, promotions that all need calculated into the final sales price. This is why income tax is more amenable to governments as the base calculation is stable. To generate the current $7 trillion tax collection you would have to have very big ticket items included in your taxability. But again, to your point then everyone contributes.


I don’t know the intricacies of POS systems, you are correct, but I don’t think it would be too much to add more lines of code into the already existing structure that exists for state and local sales tax. For some states it would be harder, I would assume, but obviously this wouldn’t happen overnight.


I agree with your premise but that is a completely different topic. You could create it.


Yes, I saw that, but I think the biggest impediment to it moving forward is the 23% tax rate that would be imposed. Much of the public that currently pays no Federal income tax would be wildly opposed to this. I am not saying it is not fair, but the representatives of those constituents would be loathe to vote for it. To try and explain that your $100.00 cable bill is now $123.00 because of a national sales tax would not be easy.


I agree the 43% that have no skin in the game are the problem, for that reason; they have no skin in the game.

The cable bill already has a wild number of federal taxes and fees associated with it, my plan would be to rid all targeted taxes and outlaw federal “fees” in that regard. A federal “fee” is a tax by another name.


It is by far the fairest way to do things!! If you don’t want it you don’t buy it. I also believe it puts we the people in a better position to help others the way we see fit and not the government doing it.


Agreed about the spending problems, but a cleaner tax revenue system is needed to declutter all that is happening. It does not have to be complicated unless the goal is to have it that way.


There should be an end to all taxes except for a flat sales tax, which should also be capped and never exceed a very small percentage , such as “no more than 5% flat sales tax”. The American people are being taxed to oblivion and there are no measures to prevent further erosion of our hard earned money. To ensure stability for Americans, the flat tax MUST be done in parallel of gold backed currency so that inflation remains in check. We cannot allow taxes to be % of goods without securing price of goods’ volatility. 5% of $20 = $1 but if inflation causes that good to cost $60, well the government just got a $2 pay increase (5% of $60= $3). A flat sales tax will only work for the people if we have gold backed, stable currency. The two topics are dependent on each other.