Abolish the IRS

Abolish the IRS. Move to a consumption tax system. All other taxes (income, property, death, etc.) vanish. Give people the choice how they spend their money and are taxed. Save your money, pay less taxes. Spend all your money pay some taxes. Those who spend vast amounts more than others will pay more taxes when they buy that next car, boat, or plane. There would be a standard refund based on household size and no tax on food, medical care, and household necessities. Sales tax would be higher than it currently is but would be the ONLY taxes people pay. No more tax returns and tax loop holes for the rich and corporations. If you are low income and spend most of your money on food/medicine/supplies you will pay virtually no taxes. But you keep ALL of the income you earn.
And one less three letter agency controlling your life….


As someone whom just got scammed by the IRS, i’m all in.

How does the IRS scam you? With the phrase:

“I don’t see the payment”…even if you have a canceled cheque(s) negotiated by the IRS.

Oh, yeah: They have IRS tax advocates (whom are also IRS EMPLOYEES) whom also “DON’T SEE THE PAYMENT(S)”.

You can send all your canceled cheque to your Congressman. He will never even see them but a staffer will call the IRS “tax advocates” whom DOESN’T SEE THE PAYMENT(S).

The IRS charged us for interest because they DIDN’T SEE THE PAYMENT(S), collected three (3) times the amount assessed but eventually returned the excess principal WITHOUT PAYING A DIME OF INTEREST on it.

What would you do? Sue the IRS? Go to one of those companies that will ovly help id you owe $50,000.00 or more?


All in! Using the Napoleonic legal code for inspiration.

Immediately! It is not legal.


Agreed. The IRS is literally a mafia group.


That would mean a mass privatization of America, and we only need to look at the UK to know what would happen.

Imaging not being able to send your child to school, or buy medicine prescribed to you, and knowing if you got laid off from your job, there would be no program to alleviate the poverty that would soon fall on you.

But at least you dont need to pay 30% tax on canned beef

when i was in early high school i filled out the EZ FORM for my younger brother and i guess had a small math error, the IRS was like AUDIT!!! for kids trying to do the right thing!!! WTAF?!

I think the IRS rules are so complicated and has us so scared to do our own taxes that we have to shell out a ton of money to have preparers do the forms for us. I often wondered that since they know everything about us, why do they not calculate our tax burden/refund and allow us to review it and make any adjustments? If we do not pay, the IRS charges interest. Perhaps the IRS should be paying us interest on any money we have overpaid? Just saying


If we understood that taxes are voluntary we could reset the system back to it’s lawful standing.


Can we please abolish all the 3 letter agencies!?


As someone who was victimized by the IRS, them forcing me to pay over $6k in taxes for 1 year. I had my accountant look at it and they couldn’t figure it out. I tried calling the IRS and was hung up on multiple times when I was supposed to be transferred after waiting over an hour. I had literally no recourse. I either paid all the money or they could put a lien on my house. IRS needs to go or have way more oversight.


Absolutely! If you buy, you pay. If you save, you don’t pay. It’s so simple!

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I don’t get it, why would a website like this exist and then limit you to ONLY vote up to 20 items? Our voice is only worth 20 votes when the larger majority of issues listed in here are pertinent and something we should all be able to vote on!?

Here is how to abolish the IRS:

  • The only entities that pay income tax, becomes the STATES. The States collect revenues from a wide variety of sources. Require every State to pay 15% of their GROSS REVENUE to the Federal government. Because the states keep detailed records they are easy to track. This was blocked by a judicial decision 100 years ago. Revisit that and change the law if necessary.
  • The dollar’s ‘2% inflation target’ becomes an official revenue stream. Increase the money supply by 1% a year officially declaring that to be the property of the Federal government.
  • Any taxes on tariffs etc

Yes, no IRS, only consumption tax.

After IRS is dismantled, qualified IRS agents moved to ICE. Finding and applying policy is their specialty. :blush:

A flat Tax would be in the interest of everyone.