Merge Proposals on National Taxes

I propose that the following 6 policy proposals, about adjusting the national sales tax get merged:


Written by @LeeRoyJenkins


Written by @ThomasPaine





Explanation & Justification

These policies are all in regards to eliminating federal income taxes and replacing them with flat tax or national sales tax


Add this one as well please


I am for auditing The Fed with Dr. Ron Paul over.
The audit, I think that the tariffs that we put on countries
Would help out as well as a sales tax to help fund the government like a flat tax on everything we buy.We need to get rid of the I.R.S all together the way the the government is set up now is set up, so people will get in debt with the I.R S And they have the power to take everything you own. We need to take the power from the federal government and put it into everything we buy, and these other countries that don’t want to on a level trading ground, if they don’t want to trade fairly, then we put a tariff against them to help fund our government, and when they start trading thoroughly, we will bring the tariff down and put more more of a tax in the fair tax, so we can help fund the government.The only thing that should deducted from my paycheck. Each week is social security and Medicare point. I think in my opinion that this will let the government know how much money they got to spend each month and they can’t go over it if they don’t want to balance the budget and come together like responsible human beings for the betterment of the united states then we can physically
Put them on a budget. This is how much you had coming in this quarter. This is how much you can spend this quarter and not a penny more


**yes i agree with this **

Consumption tax only. Eliminate ALL others including income, property, etc. if I buy it, it is taxed. Otherwise not.

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