End Property Taxes for USA Citizens, KEEP them for China and anyone buying American property who are not citizens!

Property taxes are essentially non-constitutional because the right to “the pursuit of happiness” originally was meant to be “property” (but the writers didn’t want others to use that argument to justify slavery). Property is essential to the American Dream for American families.

Property tax came much later after the founders and makes it so American citizens are not the 100% owners of their homes and property.

Also, the USA has a LOT of its land bought out by many other countries (especially China who has bought a lot of land strategically near our military bases).

Property tax should be eliminated for American citizens, but INCREASED dramatically for foreign purchasers so there is natural incentive for the American land to belong to the American people. That increased tax revenue from foreign entity property owners can make the transition to decreasing/eliminating property taxes for American citizens more affordable and quick.


I am in Leavenworth Kansas, my property taxes are over half of my mortgage payment. Built a house pre covid for 250k , 1.9% interest but my property taxes are 12k a year. absolutely insane!


Totally agree. I built my home, under contract in 2020 with it completed in 2021. 258K, 3.5% interest rate, my house payment started out at $1450 and last year I went all the way up to $2000 because of property taxes. I’m in the Austin area and the boom out here was ridiculous and I’m a single mother. I saved for years I built my credit. I built this home for my children and I and I am constantly worried every single year if I’m going to be able to be able to afford it. Elderly people out here who have had their homes paid off for decades were being priced out of their own homes because of property taxes, and subsequently could not go and purchase anything else because prices were so inflated. It was insane.

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Most Property Tax pays for schools, garbage, city services meaning firefighters who volunteer and it is not a paid position, local government, and much more. without Property taxes you would still have to fund for these services.

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I believe property taxes are a local thing unless there is something I don’t understand. I really don’t want anymore Federal Government involved in local decisions. We can all fight for that locally

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I would take this a step further. There are many countries that do not allow outside foreign ownership of land or housing. We should implement the same restrictions here so other foreign countries cannot do this, especially for national security reasons when there are examples of China purchasing land around military bases all over the US.


Non-citizens or at least those who are citizens of our adversaries should not be able to purchase property in the United States!

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Great idea, but I’m not sure I want any foreign countries owning US land. In fact, I know I don’t, especially China

I disagree with any taxes for American citizens. You pay tax on your income, tax on your property, tax on everything you purchase, tax, when you die, then there’s tax on inheritance that was already taxed.
Tax on used vehicles that were already taxed when they were purchased new, then you pay registration, licensing, tax on gas. Everything is overtaxed.
Let’s start at zero tax and go from there, so the government doesn’t get overinflated and waste, launder and give away to other countries.
This country was built with little to no taxes from the citizens.
I agree that any foreign investors or land owners should be the only ones paying property tax at a much higher rate than they currently are paying. They will willingly sell their land back to U.S. citizens when it doesn’t make financial sense for them to have it.

America First.

I believe everything is being dripped out and pointing to the fact that we will not have income taxes. No tax on tips was said. No taxes on overtime. If you connect the dots you see what this is leading to. We are going to have a sales tax system only. Even property taxes I believe will be going away. We are going into a whole new world for the better. Trust and believe.

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