I completely agree. No more ‘career politicians’ or them being able to gain a net worth of millions of dollars when they go into it FOR the people, not for their own personal monetary gain.
All good. I could even go six of 2 yr terms for Congress. That would make the maximum career in the House and Senate 24 years.
Should all the grifting from lobbyist, Super PACS, and foreign agents not be stopped; one term for each is plenty.
All candidates must be voted on in the primaries. Thanks
If it is just one term - nothing is gonna be done. And no one is gonna run. This will not pass one way or another as a valid option.
I also think the wage senators and representatives receive should be limited to the minimum wage from their individual states.
I think a term limit of 2 in each is more realistic as the senate is 6 years each and the house is 2 years each. Still 16 years but can’t make a total career out of it. Much simpler and models after the precident of of the presidential term limits
Limit the aides to two and that is it. Also limit their terms to one.
Limit senators to two 3 year terms and their aides to one of those terms and get two different aides for the next term.
Same on the aides for congressmen , with their terms being limited to 3 two year terms.
Also set the legislative sessions up like Texas has in their legislature. 140 consecutive days, they know what they will be voting on and in session every odd year.
Also outlaw lobbying and any senator or congressman having anything to do with lobbyists are put in jail for one year max security prison.
Also no security details after they finish their terms. If they don’t want people coming after them for what they did while in office, then they need to not do stupid illegal things while in office that tick people off.
Make them responsible for their actions.
Finally two things: no automatic gold star health care for them while in office or after they get out.
And salaries all need to be cut down to $25,000.00 for each year they are in session. $10.00 a day for special sessions which can only last 30 days maximum.
I know this will take an amendment, so let’s do it.
We are their bosses not the other way around.
These people need to get a real job.
House is 4 years. The government and its terms are set the way the way they are to make it difficult to just “flush the toilet” so to speak. This is outlined in the Declaration of Independence where they said that government shouldn’t be changed for light and transient reasons. Not that we are doing this, but because that COULD happen, it was written in such a way as to prevent possible abuse.
if a congressman or senator is ineffective, or does not work for their constituents, they need the ability to be removed (voted out) after each term.
If term limits cant be set, make it so the top wage they can make is the median of the people they represent. It should’ve be about money but keeping America strong by doing as the people want.
Ten year terms with a limit of 2 terms would be 20 years… That IS a Career! I don’t like the 2 year term for the House ,as they no sooner get in and have a chance to learn or do anything when they have to start their campaign for their next election…
Maybe having 4 or 5 year 2 terms limit and WITHOUT a Life time salary and benefits… give them a 401K and whatever benefits they would have gotten in the business world.
YES we have been screaming for term limits for decades.
Exactly it will cut down on a lot of corruption and back door deals as well. You get 8 years max as much as the President, then you’re out. If you can’t get it done in 8 years then you’re out. No career politicians!
I am cautious not to be too drastic.
Leave Congress at 2 year terms and make the senate 3 years.
I would put term limits at 12 or 15 years.
Not sure about the cognitive testing, but I was thinking there should be some minimum qualifications to run.
Maybe have a points-based system where different experiences are worth certain amounts of points and you need to pass a threshold.
Yes term limits will allow for fresh ideas to come in. We have had the same old tired people in office for years. So much has changed in say the last ten years and lately the change is happening at a more rapid rate. We need to add younger fresh minds in tune with the current times. The country my parents were afforded is not the country I am experiencing nor will it be the country my children get. We need people in office that have a realistic concept of how things are not how they use to be. Times are changing and its about time we accept that.
2 Term limit for Senators (12 years) and 6 Terms Max for Reps (12 years). Serving in Congress is meant to be a duty, not a career. Serving over 15 years is considered a career. Plus, salaries need to come down.
I agree with the need for term limits. However, I believe both the House and the Senate terms should be 4 years with a limit of 2 terms which will not interfere with how we currently hold elections, voting every two years. There should also be “NO” retirement or long-term benefits for those serving in the House or Senate. We the people have to work for at least 20 years to retire. Our legislatures do not have to deploy away from family (yes I’m retired from military and law enforcement), therefore they should not be entitled to more than “We the People” are.
There should absolutely be term limits. 2 terms of 3 years each term max. People should not be allowed to be career politicians. There should not be the ability to run for any other political position besides running for President.
Yes please!!