Term limits for Senators and Representatives

Two term limit – 10 years – end of story. We must get career politicians, on both sides, out of the mix.


Strongly agree with term limits. No one should be a lifetime politician. 2 or 3 terms max After that they become puppets for the pacs.

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Term limits for all elected officials

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This is a must!!! Our Founders knew this and it must be changed immediately


Agreed. Lifetime appointment is good, but if a terminal condition comes about, they should retire and be replaced.

I agree that both Congress and the Senate should have term limits, as well as age limits. With this the execution of limits it must consider the population’s want for reflective representation. Military service allow for members to serve for twenty years and be eligible for retirement, though members can serve for thirty years without requiring a waiver.

I propose that any individual serving in either Congress or the Senate must not be eligible for reelection after serving twenty years (total) in a single house but may serve for up to 25 years (total and combined) if the individual serves in both houses. But must not run for reelection for either Congress or the Senate after the age of 62. This date would be calculated the day they would be sworn into the elected position.

This proposal would have no effect on Presidential candidates, nor appointed positions by the President of the United States. Former Representatives and Senators would also be barred from becoming a federal lobbyist in turn to receive their congressional pension.

This law would apply to all incoming Representatives and Senators and would not apply to currently serving Representatives or Senators.

Source for the Department of Defense members:
10 U.S. Code § 1251: Mandatory retirement age is age 62 for all officers other than general or flag officers. Service Secretaries may defer the retirement of health professional officers and chaplains until the age of 68.

No to term limits. It;s the peoples right to elect who they want for the office and how long they want them. The problem is the money purchasing seats. Repeal Citizens United.

A big yes, along with restrictions on moneys from lobbyists.

Another must thank you for bringing this up.

A big part of this for me is that the positions are to be PART TIME. Properly executed, our Congress shouldn’t be in Washington but for a short time a month a few times a year. This is NOT a full time job. As a result, they should all have jobs. Government is not their only job.
Another equally important point is to abolish their permanent pay and healthcare. They can go on the same Social Security retirement and insurance benefits, seeing the same doctors and receiving the same treatments their policies created. This should help hold them accountable to the People since they will have to live with what they brought into being…face to face. No escape for any of them.

8 years max.

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Two terms. Senators sit for 6 years each term.

I propose a change in text as follows:

POTUS: 2 terms of 4 years each

Lower house: 5 terms of 2 years each (if shorter, Congress will spend most time campaigning instead of doing work)

Senate: 2 terms of 6 years each

This will result in a 12 year cycle.

SCOTUS: lifetime appointment (to maintain independence, consistency, stability, and shield justices from campaigning and politicking). Justices are not politicians.

Federal judges: lifetime appointment as above.

Circuit Judges: a term limit of 8 years due to the normal speed of cases moving through the courts. This would also limit bad and greedy judges to aspire for the Circuit level and affect a wide judicial area if they make bad judgement.

Still way to long. Need to be shorten unless the people give them a passing grade on there performance. The position should be well earned and not because they was voted in. And anyone caught in any kind of fraud or disception in not being 100% transparent is automatic Inpeachment.

No more than 4 years.
No insurance benefits.
No retirement benefits.
Performed a non-paying service that benefited their community.
No person who has not had a career with success-no career politician who only performed social work, they seem to become bait for deep state to control.
A basic minimum salary. There should be zero benefit for the politician except to serve their community.

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Minimum should be just one term.

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exactly if we have to pay so should they no more free rides. They can’t balance a budget but there Millionaires. What is wrong with that picture.

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This and single item bills is crucial 1st thing.

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Not only should there be term limits but also limits as to pay and benefits. The senators and representatives have Cadillac healthcare and very high pay. This makes them want to do this “job” for a lifetime. These positions were not meant to be held for “a lifetime” but for others to take the reins and do their part.

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Payment to civil servants should only be what is given during that time. Any other ways of making money are illegal after taking office. Politicians should not have direct access to other ways of making money. This will make the staying in office less desirable.
Can we create a positive impact rating for politicians. Those things listed are the canidates campaign points for next term. They can emphasize good and help people understand how they will correct wrongs.

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