America needs to impose term limits for both houses of Congress. The Founding Fathers never anticipated Congresspersons enjoying a lifetime job on the American citizen’s nickel. Many start their terms with modest incomes and grow to be wealthy…HOW?!. I propose Both Houses to serve two, 4 year terms MAX! (6 yrs too long for Senators, 2 years too short for Reps… all they spend their time doing is campaigning & fund raising!) Hold an election every 2 years where 50% are up for election after their first 4 years ( the first group would serve only 2 years to start the ball rolling. Then at second election in 2 years, the first 4 year rotation would start for half of the Reps & Senators. Each could serve a Max of 2 terms/8 years.) Many advantages for America: Cut corruption, fresh ideas every 2 years, eliminate Dynasties, reduce effectiveness of lobbyists, more opportunities for more individuals to participate in their government, Congresspeople would all have to have private sector experience: reduce career politicians…to name just a few benefits.