House & Senate term limits

All seats in both the house of representatives and Senate should have term limits. Similar to the president, a person should be allowed to serve two 4 year terms only. This would help stop career politicians, as well as help fight against corruption. Along with term limits the policy should include limitations placed on congressmen and their immediate family from public stock trading. This would help keep congressmen from voting on policies based on their own monetary interests. Congressmen are there to serve and represent the citizens of their states, not to be rulers and become millionaires. This policy would help put the power back in the hands of the voting citizens.


I proposed a constitutional amendment that would allow the public to pass a constitutional amendment directly.

This would give us the power to do this ourselves without congress agreeing.


If we just followed the Constitution and Bill of Rights, we wouldn’t have these huge messes. We don’t need a national referendum.

Any solution being considered needs to be looked at from all angles. CONGRESSIONAL TERM LIMITS will never work. It is a manipulation and distraction to make Americans think they have solved political corruption. Politicians know they have nothing to lose if their time is limited and will rig things in their favor. Remember when Obama was caught on a hot mic speaking with then Russian president Medvedev? Obama asked Medvedev to pass a message to incoming president Putin, stating once the 2012 election was over for Obama’s 2nd term, he (Obama) would have more flexibility since he couldn’t run for a 3rd term, so didn’t have to worry about making the voters mad. It was during Obama’s 2nd term that Putin invaded Crimea and annexed it through a fake vote.

Then there is McConnell, who rushed a vote to push his clone, Senator John Thune as his replacement as the new Majority Senate Leader. McConnell is already stating his replacement will not allow Trump to make recess appointments.

The real dangers are the unConstitutional agencies in the executive branch. Congress shifted their duties to unelected bureaucrats they control so they wouldn’t have to vote on record for voters to see. The other danger is the out of control use of Executive Orders. They were never meant to allow the president to write his own laws. They were to be used for the day-to-day running of the executive branch, not anything that affected the entire nation.

The two biggest dangers of all are the gov’t using the “confidential” status to hide their corruption or mistakes from the American people, and the ignorance of Americans regarding U.S. history, world history, Constitution, Declaration of Independence and WHY the Founders designed the federal gov’t as they did. That ignorance has allowed Democrats and RINOs (undercover Democrats pretending to be Republicans) to systematically dismantle the Constitution. Every part of the 1st Amendment has been dismantled. The federal gov’t is trying to dismantle the 2nd amendment. The 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th amendments are ignored by the legal system everyday. The 9th and 10th amendments have been dismantled. The 16th amendment gives the federal gov’t a limitless bank account to push their illegal actions and tyranny on the American people and other countries. The 17th Amendment has taken away the voice and power of the States, allowing Senators to put themselves first and their States and the U.S. last. States were to be a bulwark against overreach by the federal gov’t.

John Adams said the design of the country would only work for a moral people. The many writings of the Founding Fathers can be summarized with the statement: “An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people”.

This education has been destroyed by the government-controlled schools, but also by the fact too much gov’t action is buried… such as former Speaker Paul Ryan (who falsely claimed to be a Republican) had gotten his hands on the Steele Dossier and buried it for months as the FBI worked with Hillary Clinton to falsely charge Trump with colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election. With the help of the Democrat-controlled media and social media, essential information is not only withheld from the public, but is too often, twisted out of recognition while lies are pushed. AG Merrick Garland is withholding the video / audio of Biden testifying over the gov’t documents he stole as a Senator and VP… denying a citizenry to be educated.

Shutdown those unConstitutional agencies and force the politicians to expose their true selves. For the Constitutional agencies, remove any authority to write “rules and regulations”. Per the Constitution, only Congress can write laws… not bureaucrats, not lobbyists. Restrict executive orders to the day-to-day running of the executive branch and cannot apply to those not working for the executive branch. Have the Sergeant-at-Arms arrest Garland and other agency heads for ignoring a subpoena. Open the doors to all areas of the federal gov’t so the American people can see what is really happening.

Term limits are a distraction to make the people think the problem has been solved. The real solution is to educate the public on our founding documents, history of our country and the world since the 1770s, what the Founding Fathers were trying to stop in the new country. The people must also be made to understand, the ONLY way they will keep their rights and freedoms is to become political and to pay attention. Force the media to report the truth and stop allowing them to cover-up political crimes.

If the people think they have solved the problem with “term limits”, they will pay even less attention as the politicians grab more wealth and power.

Oh, and throw out the case against Assange. He was doing exactly what the Founding Fathers wanted… informing the people of gov’t corruption.