Abolish the IRS

This is not solely my idea as I have heard about it from others. But I stand behind abolishing the IRS and getting rid of the completely outdated way we go about our taxes.

Before reading further, I support a consumption tax. Plain and simple, if you purchase something, you pay taxes, if you don’t, you keep your hard earned money. Equal playing field for those who are wealthy and those who are middle and lower class.

The way we go about doing our taxes is just flat out asinine. We are being taxed to death and it continues to get worse. For example, I work a 40hr week and my paycheck is taxed. When I purchase goods or services, I get taxed on that. And then at the end of every year (or beginning, however you’d like to look at it) I have to file my taxes to determine if I paid enough or get a refund. What kind of madness is that?

And then you are paying people to work in this three letter agency. Why not just make it an equal playing field for everyone? Enough with this corrupt IRS agency and update this prehistoric way we go about taxes.


Fuck a consumption sales tax!
Abolish the IRS.
Abolish the FED!
Tarriffs only.

1000% yes on abolishing ALL taxes. NO consumption tax. We should not have to pay to live on a planet we were born on. We were “programmed” (yes, that’s a thing) to believe that we should pay for everything and live in survival mode while the powers that be benefit from our struggles. It’s completely insane.