Unfair property tax

If property tax is a must, it should not be based on the value of your home. It should be a flat rate . It is unfair that I pay three times the amount of taxes that my neighbor pays just because I moved in 10 years after he did. We are paying for the same thing.


It is not simply ā€œunfairā€, its very concept should be challanged constitutionally, as the below link suggestsā€¦

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Agree, check out my updated Proposal. I believe We can solve this tyranny. Have a Blessed Day Fred Walker

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ā€œIf property tax is a must,ā€
Such as say to finance the schools. it should only be voted on by property owners.
A new power plant is under construction. Construction work force bring in their children. Schools overflow. New school is built. Job ends. Locals still paying 10 years later. The new school was voted in by renters most of which live in trailers brought in during construction or the man camp on the job site.

ā€œIf property tax is a mustā€¦ā€

ā€¦then the County government needs to figure out how to come up with said revenue stream without violating the Constitution. Period.

The County needing to raise school funds does not equate to ā€œfolks voting for how a constitutional violation should be carried outā€. And it is not the responsibility of taxpayers to figure out (or vote on) how the county can extort wealth from them. The county board needs to figure out THEIR OWN funding dilemma without violating the Constitutionā€¦nobody else. The problem for the current taxpayer remains: how to stop the county govt from extorting their wealth and stealing their homes yearly, into eternity.

ā€œWHYā€ the current criminality exists is not the concern of the majority of the American People. Many will agree that schools need funding; yet, at the same time, disagree with HOW it is being done, simply because the current never-ending, gradually-increasing extortion-process is discriminitory, financially and personally harmful, authoritarian, and a direct violation of their God-given Constitutional Rights. A school needing some spending cash does not justify these high-level violations, no matter WHO votes for it.

Our Constitutional Republic is built around INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS (like yours and mine) ā€“ not neighborhood or county ā€˜votes talliedā€™. We are a Republic, not a Democracy; and in a Republic, individual rights outway those of the masses. That said, as an American, I hold firm to my Constitutional right not to be extorted, at the risk of loosing my home, just so that fat, lazy, poorly-educated. control-seeking, low-IQ county officials donā€™t have to do any heavy-lifting (besides when occassionaly heaving themselves into a semi-upright cro-magnon position) required to find alternative LEGAL revenue streams to cover its current expenses. Just my (somewhat flowery) 2 cents on it. Thanks. :sunflower:

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My biggest issue it that they treat my pocket like a piggy bank. Take what they want & i hane no real power to effectively challenge their assessment. Ours went up last year just because they wanted to. No new schools or anything to my knowledge. They just wanted more. Of course not paying isnā€™t a real option as i like having a paid off house to live in. Extorsion!


This is a good link to show progress being madeā€¦

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