Annual property tax is unconstitutional, abolish it!

While I am ok with paying a purchase tax when buying a NEW home, I believe all recurring property tax should be abolished! Citizens taxes keep going up for absolutely no reason and with out approval from the tax paying citizens!

@Trump , @ElonMusk , @Vivekramaswami


That would be a nice change but you need to consider where the money will come from that maintains streets, emergency services, etc.

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Yes the money has to come from somewhere, and it should be coming solely from income producing properties, businesses, if you don’t have a Burger King on your property then you’re not supposed to be paying a property tax as the Black’s law dictionary definition of ad valorem state according to value on an article or property in commerce.
In commerce is commercial it is business our homes are dwellings where we escape the summer heat and the winter cold are not commercial properties,
You have the right to own property and our rights cannot be taxed these are not privileges handed out by the state that can be taken on a whim.
Did you know that there is no law requiring anyone to record their deeds with the county?
Did you know that when you do its one more unconscionable contract you are entering agreeing to pay a property tax, you came to them because you cannot handle your own affairs and now they will administrate you. Not only are they imposing a fee on your property simply for existing there is a reason why they are so reluctant to return the deed that you trusted them with, they are securitizing these using them as collateral, unlawful conversion, securities fraud among others. Property taxes are considered an excise tax, maybe we better look up the definition of excise tax it’s all commercial in nature which are homes are not.
Lets just imagine for a moment that none of this was true and my argument would be yes they require money to operate but they need to spend less not charge us more it’s an unlimited supply of money with nothing in place to oversee them


The truth has been exposed in Texas where it’s going on in every county including yours the reason why you’re assessed values are going through the roof is because they need more money to spend they are deliberately overvaluing the values of your property to make that happen, what about your recorded deed ever thought about that you know there’s no law requiring you to record your deed do you know what they’re doing with your deed try requesting it back and see how hesitant they are, it’s not because they’re worried about you having a landownership disputes I promise you that, ask your auditor treasurer for a W-9
and note his or her reaction.

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Some states are abusing this, my property tax has tripled in 3 years and even though supposedly 5% increase stat

And honestly the taxes you pay when you originally buy the house shouldn’t be based on the house but instead just the value of the land built there, it incentivizes people to build better, more efficient housing on less expensive plots of land

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