Proposed, 16, December 2024
Amendment 28 (or next appropriate sequential number)
The Sixteenth Article of Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.
No Direct Tax or Inheritance Tax shall be applied to Citizens of the United States of America.
(a) Only Government Elected by and for the Citizens of the United States of America shall apply any form of Taxation within the United States of America.
(b) All capitation Taxation shall be equal and only applied to Citizens over 18 years of age and under 65 years of age who are not Blind or Legally handicapped by a 50 percent or greater disability.
(c) Capitation Tax shall be limited to 100 United States of America Dollars in a calender year.
(d) With the exception of a capitation Tax, applied no more than one time per Citizen per calender year, Taxation within the United States of America shall be limited to, Sales Taxes, Excise Taxes, Tariffs and other forms of Indirect Taxation.
No Tax shall be applied to Incomes, Real Estate, Personal Property to include; Savings, Personally held Gold, Silver, Home Steads, Residence, Farm Lands, Pastures or Fallow land or equivalents.
These Taxing Restrictions apply to, Government and include but are not limited to, Federal, State, County, Parishes, City or equivalents.
None of the above listed Governments or equivalents Shall have Power to take; Real Estate, Personal Property including Home Steads, Residence, Farm Lands, Pastures or land under rest without Trial by Jury following their approving verdict to take.
(a) In all Taxation Prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and Public Trial, by an impartial jury of the State and District wherein the Tax shall be applied, which District shall have been previously ascertained by Law. This Amendment in no way shall be considered as restricting Citizens Rights or protections granted by other Amendments in this Constitution.
(b) All Judicial costs and related cost to apply Taxation or take Real Estate, Personal Property to include; Home Steads, Residence, Farm Lands, Pastures or Fallow land or equivalents by Government shall be the burden of the Government prosecuting or pursuing these Legal actions.
- All Federal Taxation Shall be uniform and equal across the United States of America.
(a) No State Shall Directly Tax Citizens of Legal Residence while that Citizen is a resident in another State. All State Taxation Shall be uniform and equal across the State.
(b) No County, Parish or equivalent Shall Directly Tax Citizens of Legal Residence while that Citizen is a resident in another County, Parish or equivalent. All County, Parish or equivalent Taxation Shall be uniform and equal across the County, Parish or Equivalent.
(c) No City or equivalent Shall Directly Tax Citizens of Legal Residence while that Citizen resides in another City or equivalent. All City Taxation Shall be uniform and equal across the City.
(d) No unelected Official, Office, Agency or equivalent Shall have the power to level or apply any form of Taxation within the United States of America.
(e) Taxes shall only be used for the use taken.
(f) Taxation taken for employees compensation shall be listed as such and shall only be used for said purposes.
- Taxation and Government funds shall be accounted using generally accepted double ended accounting practices as used and accepted by public businesses across these United States.
(a) Government funds shall be accounted for by independent public accountants with sufficient clearance for the listed accounts.
(b) Accounting shall be conducted beginning the first Wednesday following January 1 of the year this Amendment is passed.
(c) Audits specified in this Amendment Shall be conducted on a biannual term of 730, 24 hour Days.
(d) Accounting shall be completed within 120, 24 hour Days or less.
(e) Accounting shall be made public within 24 hours of completion.
(f) Accounting Line Items of a Classified or Secrete Nature May be
identified in the manner required to protect the classification.
- Be it understood:
(a) The intent of this Amendment is to insure Citizens will not be subjected to Government tyranny or fear of loss be it Blood, Personal Treasure, Personal effects, Properties or Incomes by force of Government Taxation or Legal Fees and or Cost related to Taxation or related Takings.
(b) The burden of cost to carry out actions allowed by this Amendment against Citizens shall be the responsibility of the Government. The Court shall not be a Government tool to blackmail, extort or coerce Blood, Personal Treasure, Real Estate, Personal Property to include; Home Steads, Residence, Farm Lands, Pastures or Fallow land through application of legal fees or Taxation.
(c) All Taxation within the United States of America Shall be Indirect forms of Taxation.
(d) No VAT, Value Added Tax or equivalent shall be used within the United States of America.
(e) Taxes shall not be applied to used or previously owned goods, items, land or housing. Taxes shall only be applied to new goods and or services.