Just linking my same proposal here: Enhancing Democratic Accountability: A Policy Proposal for Congressional and Leadership Term Limits
We need to visit the benefits as well. The institution of 401K’s was to supplement retirement programs. This has become a replacement for those of us that work. It is truly rare to find a company that still has a separate retirement program. And the matching amounts are dropping quickly with more and more companies not matching at all.
I think congress should have to replace their very generous retirement program (which requires a minimum of 5 years served) to more closely match the legislation they have put in place that most of work under. We could do an escalated match yearly, up to the maximum allowed to serve. This would then sit or be used by the electee at their will upon leaving office (same as most of us).
In addition, should congress elect to do away with private insurance, they too should have to be put under whatever program is in place for the general population.
But also, Campaingn donations should only come from individual CITIZENS, one time per campaign with a limit, not corporations or other lobbyists. Stop the flow of money.
YES. I 100% agree with this.
Just a quick note that Congress has two bodies, the House and the Senate so term limits of any kind would likely be for “x” years in Congress to be decided by the candidate as to which body or both to serve in. It would be likely to be 8, 12 or 18 years total to accommodate serving some time in the upper and lower chambers.
This should have been done a long time ago!
Yes, 1,000 times yes
I disagree. All we are doing is praying on the young and less experienced. I think we could do more blocking lobbyists and corporate funding of candidates.
Should definitely have term limits. And not allowing politicians to go from this branch to this branch or from one title to another to stay in power either. Having term limits also allows new ideas to come to the table and will allow a better representation of the age range of our country.
I think we should add on that they cannot jump from category to category and become career politicians! They get to do their max as a senator/ representative and then they are done in politics period.
Yes Nancy and her 19 terms needs to be done
20 now, incredibly.
Limit their term for 8 years.
I don’t understand why there are terms limits for the president and not for congress. If the fear is over using their power, what about all the power and control congress has? It would make more sense! Like Big pharmaceuticals and many others industries wouldn’t have allies pushing for bills that favored them!!
Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders should be in retirement homes not the government.
Age limits are discrimination.
Example: You work at a co. and you are 68 should you be forced out of your job because of age if you can still do the job?
Everyone ages differently.
The people making and approving laws should never be exempt from them. Examples Insider trading. Also, they were allowed to be exempt from vaccine recommendations, they shouldn’t have the privilege of exemptions when most other Americans and military were losing jobs and being denied the right afforded everyone in Congress.
Senate terms are 6 years, so a max of 12 years, so I would give House of Reps the same, 6 two year terms = 12 yr max. AND ADD 5-10 years wait before working for a lobby or becoming a lobbyist.
I totally agree to 10 year terms. Be able also to receive some type of small retirement from that. But not their full pay.
I would add to this that every Senator, and Representative should have a required financial audited every year. Becoming a millionaire on the salary our government pays, does not add up.