Require every Bill to be read aloud before voting

We hate when Congress passes 5,000 page bills that noone has had time to read. I propose a simple solution: require that the sponsor or the Speaker/President Pro Tempore read a bill aloud, IN FULL, before it is voted on. If they want to pass a 5,000 page bill, then they need to read aloud all 5,000 pages.

For extra points, require that every member of Congress be present and accounted for at each reading.

Additionally, you could also consider requiring that each bill have an automatic sunset clause of 2 years included, unless an identical bill was passed 2 years prior.


Should be able to vote no before finishing the bill.


I love this idea!
I would add on that there should be an 8-hour limit to bill reading. If it cannot be read in a full day, the bill is too long and should be split up into parts that can be read and understood independently.