Legislation to Require ALL bills to be voted on in the house or senate to be READ ALOUD IN ITS ENTIRETY to be entered into the records before it can be voted on

I propose a bill requiring all bills that would go to vote to be read aloud in their final form to be entered into the congressional record, and REQUIRING any and all officials who had ANY sponsorship, committee, or addendum input to be present though the entirety of said read out before it can be voted on.

This will ensure that officials have time to read any bill going to vote, and allow the public to listen for themselves. I would also recommend requiring bill language and parts to be attributed to the writing official and have them sign off on it to improve transparency for their constituents. If every piece of every legislation had to be signed off on by its creator, and every piece of every legislation had to be read aloud publicly, and every member who jad to sign off on any part had to be present for the reading, our legislation process would change drastically for the better.


And anyone not present for the whole reading is counted as a vote against? lol. I love it.