FMLA laws need to be revised. 12 weeks UNPAID maternity leave is not acceptable. Only Federal government employees are allotted 12 weeks paid leave. NO PATERNITY LEAVE for fathers. Some employers do allow a few days to one week, maybe other allow more, but its far and few between. Your job title is supposed to be protected, but myself and many other women have experienced pushback while on leave or when returning to work, to the point of being pushed out of our jobs. Women need to be allowed time to connect and care for their newborns as well as themselves without the financial stress and rush to get back to the work force. Especially after devoting years of our lives to our career. Men also have a responsibility to connect and care for their children, as well as their partner during this time. Its crucial to the development of our children. Childcare workers should not be raising our children. Other countries allow up to a year of maternity and paternity leave. Generous percentage of monthly pay. Mothers and fathers need to be able to put their families first. Connect and establish loving homes. It starts in the home.
Agreed. More people should have access to paid family leave.
I have also suggested a proposal, which grants 12 weeks paid federal maternal leave, as well as paid family leave for certain periods of time/situations, AND allows BOTH working parents to request 8 hours unpaid intermittent time off every week when their paid leave ends. I also suggested that college students who are either working 32 hours a week, or are the custodial parent should have more flexibility and paid leave options, too.
Would you please consider it?