12Months Paid Maternity Leave

I am a Clinical Psychologist and an IBCLC (Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant). It is imperative that we change maternity leave in this country immediately. It is abysmal! If we want healthy moms, children and families, we must invest in a sound maternity leave policy. Let’s look to so many other countries such as Sweden (62 weeks), UK (52 weeks), Norway (49 weeks), and Japan (52 weeks), and ask ourselves why the United States falls so short. Moms are often forced to return to work after a mere few weeks. It is criminal. Longer maternity leaves have been shown to reduce postpartum depression. Maternity leave also promotes forming a secure attachment with one’s baby; which research shows is crucial in forming a healthy sense of self. This has many implications for long term emotional development. If we want a strong country, then we need to invest in our families from the beginning. Paid maternity leave is critical to the strength of our society.


I agree. However our federal legislators are far from consideration for anything offering 12 months, or even six months paid family leave.

Right now we have zero federal paid family leave.

The Dems couldn’t pass their 12 paid family leave bill because they didn’t have enough votes and all the republicans voted against it. I think we should focus on trying to get 12 weeks federal leave, or something similar, and then try to increase that leave time for future elections.

I have also proposed a related bill. It’s probably still too liberal for the GOP, but I’m just throwing this out there because I truly believe in it. It offers 12 weeks paid maternal leave, with some kickbacks to fathers AND offers unpaid 8 hours off weekly for full time working parents, and flexibility for college students who are either working or are custodial parents.