Laws are stacked against men during divorce. Men are walking away from relationships. And hence, no children being born

Men face financial hardships during divorce.

Male suicide is through the roof, because of divorce, alimony and child support.

80% of divorces are being initiated by women. So women can just say they are unhappy and file for divorce, and the man suffer, with the children being taken away from them, and men are financially burdened with payments.

Women predominantly gets sole custody of their children during divorce.

Men, are required to pay for alimony even when they weren’t the ones who initiated divorce.

Men are required by courts to pay child support, even though they weren’t the ones who initiated the divorce.

Women are not fulfilling their part in the family dynamics, while men stick it out for the children, the women are given an escape route for themselves.

The data is very clear, single mothers bringing up children without a father leads to society degeneracy, and it is mostly because women have an escape route leave marriages.

I do not know the solution. I know it is a complicated issue. But it is very clear that the birth rate is very low right now, and if you want a stable society, you must have more children.

But men are simply walking away from dating and marriages, because getting married is stacked against them.

I have no more votes left, but I think you are right. Men should not have to pay alimony if she left him for other than abuse such as physical, affair, drugs, alcohol, damaging gambling. Also, there should be no attorneys fighting. They should be divorce attorneys who work for both as a counselor. I am in a mentally abusive relationship, but it is not the same as physical abuse or an affair or drug abuse, etc.

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