Father Rights (Divorce, Custody, Child Support, False Allegations of Abuse)

  1. Fathers get 50/50 automatically at divorce/separation.
  2. No child support. Everyone covers their own expenses.
  3. Jail baby mama terrorists for filing false reports against men. Jail judges for any violations against men and being biased and not following the above items.

There is such an epidemic of crazy women filing false reports and using law fare Against men that I have come to believe that if you accuse a person of a crime falsely, then you should do the time in jail, to the maximum extent that accused person would have done. I am a woman and I am ashamed of a huge swath of American women for being weak and emotional and entitled. They act like they want to be equal, but all they want to do is tear everything down because they can’t even control their own emotions.


I couldn’t agree more with this. The court system is almost built to be against the father. I believe everyone should also cover their own expenses and there should be a huge violation for mothers who lie about not receiving child support even though they did.


This right should be for all parents with children (including gay & lesbian).

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Or we could stop having children out of wedlock and de-stigmatize pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements so each couple can decide for themselves what arrangements would be best in their specific circumstances in the event of dissolution. Beyond that, father’s rights, mother’s rights or the rights of adults in general should be at best secondary to the rights of a child in family court. So maybe we should define what rights a child has and branch off of that.


Jacob’s wife here. I entirely agree with this . My stepson is in his 40s now, but I helped raise him with his dad from the age of 5 until his 13th birthday (the legal age when a child could choose with whom to live in the state we were in). His mama (who I had only seen maybe five or six times in all those years despite being practically neighbors with her) took us to court for custody. The judge in that county always gave women custody–even if they were in jail–so we lost him to her. The judge also ordered her to have 2/3 of my husband’s income as child support even though she was remarried to a man with a good job. His reasoning? “Because the father is married and can afford to give up more money.”

How much child support did we get? NONE. Not a dime. No payments on medical or dental or nothing. She didn’t exercise her visitation either.

This was clearly a broken system, and we suffered a lot over it, nearly losing our home until we finally refinanced the mortgage to a better payment. No one cared because HE was just the FATHER, right?

MEN DESERVE BETTER!! Oh, and on his 18th birthday, the very day her child support stopped–she kicked him out and I had to go get him–him and the 2 tiny cardboard boxes of stuff she allowed him to take with him. The rest she sold.

So, yes…this needs revised entirely. AND FAIRLY.


Most dads I know (including myself) were married and had family and kids. Then children are kidnapped and father have to pay extortion fees not to see their kids. Meanwhile mother is filing for divorce. Taking all money and assets and retirement money and filing false restraining orders multiple times to gain upper hand in custody battle.


@lendel My taxes are high, my tax breaks are non-existent and my only tangible return on investment is a police force I try to avoid, a fire department I hope I never need and the roads I use for work every day. All I ask is that my tax dollars don’t go toward “dumb stuff”. I would categorize a welfare bill to support kids who aren’t mine because a parent is protected by a blanket “no child support” policy for their own kid as “dumb stuff”…I would much prefer to put that money toward my retirement…since I’m also paying money I will never see again into a social security fund that won’t exist by the time I am qualified to retire at age 80…catch my drift?


Please see my earlier proposal! It will end false allegations!!! Please read and if you agree, please vote. False Allegations/False Accusations/Wrongful Convictions/False Witnesses