Give Fathers Equal Rights As Mothers

Take Men’s mental health seriously and Abolish the child support system and let the fathers raise their children. Stop using their suffering for gain. Stop letting Mothers have the power to hurt fathers. PLEASE DO SOMETHING TRUMP! PLEASE! Create a system that is fair. If a mother needs child support the father should be offered full custody without child support before child support is taken into consideration.


I agree with you. Courts, in particular, have sided only with mothers and punished fathers in divorce cases and have done nothing about forbidding a man NOT the father to live in the home, while the father is severely limited in access to his children, and courts have forbidden fathers from stopping mothers who support child abuse in their lust to have their child destroyed through the lie called Gender Transition Surgery.
Fine contribution and I hope something is done to curb this horrific abuse of fathers and their rights.


I agree. Enough is enough with this lop-sided negative treatment of fathers in custody and child support arrangements. And you can do away with alimony altogether while you are at it. It is completely unAmerican in the year 2025.


Disagree. I have seen fathers who have been given all the advantages in court and taken away from the mother who was perfectly fit.
Also more people need to stay together as families and stop getting divorced. Start taking having a relationship that produces a child more seriously.


I haven’t seen it and if you look on the father’s rights movement page on Facebook I promise you. You’ll find nothing but father’s suffering and it’s a damn shame. The courts making money out of suffering.


You need to be more specific and put details in your policy. Your comments are very general and don’t give any details. Stop letting Mothers have power to hurt fathers? What does that mean? I’m sure there is a group of mothers out there complaining about fathers too. People on any side of a disagreement are going to have grievances. People who have to pay out money are going to complain about it.

Judges do not use the criteria of gender any longer. It is about the relationship of the child with each parent prior to divorce, stability etc. If that means the majority of time men are not staying home with the children prior to the divorce that is going to be considered in court.

The post is way too general.


If money wasn’t involved. I swear a lot of mothers would hand them baby’s right over and fold and let the fathers raise them. Have you ever suffered through the court system? payed thousands of dollars to watch your world be ripped apart? You were probably on the serving end and never had to carry the weight of the dish. So you don’t know nothing. Don’t speak on it till your standing in a pair of those shoes.


The majority not the minority the majority of men never even bother to fill out paperwork for the courts to do a parenting plan the majority of it is done by the mother because the father chooses not to do the paperwork. In the majority of cases where the father does choose to participate in the paperwork the father does get 50/50 sometimes full custody and a parenting plan that he agrees with. You will never get a parenting plan and a visitation schedule that you agree with if you’re too lazy to fill out the paperwork, if you refuse to participate and just say I’m not doing it then it’s not getting done. By the way it is 9% of men 9% that choose to file the paperwork. Don’t just go off of Billy Bob Joe’s said oh she took the kids and I never get to see them statements and say oh well it’s not worth me taking 20 minutes to fill out this paperwork to have some control over my child’s life. If you are too lazy to fill out the paperwork nothing you are guaranteed you will get nothing that you are wanting in the back of your heads because nobody is a mind reader.

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Laws are different in each state. That may be the case in your state but it’s not in mine. Thanks for sharing.

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Milk Tea…it is not about filling out some form…its about bias in the court room regarding women as the emotional support source of the child…like the attachment clearly admits…

This has gone on for the last century, and we all know this to be a fact. I could fill pages and pages here supporting this widely known fact, but will keep it short and sweet with a single post.


This is not true. It took 2 years for our son to get custody of his kids from a mother who is an abusive alcoholic. Cost over $35,000 that should have gone into the children not a lawyer’s pocket. He is a decorated veteran with absolutely nothing negative. It is a travesty the suffering children have to go through because mom looks at them as a paycheck. By the way I am a female and I am disgusted by these women.


I hope that something is done about it. I’ve suffered enough. No one really knows how it feels until they are the ones wearing the weight.

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I disagree. You are still not outlining anything. It’s coming off as personal emotion only which is not a policy.

You also know nothing about me or my experiences. Your guess is absolutely wrong. Try putting into words what you want out of a policy. What are complaining about other than you were hurt by a woman?

The courts approach the case in consideration of the relationship with the children prior to a divorce. If the father is not the main caretaker of the child that will be part of the decision.

In order to create a policy you have to discuss what during that process occurred needs to be changed specifically? Why did it take so long?

Personal experiences only amount to policies when you have facts to change. Otherwise, nobody knows the details of the situation. Grandparents are not going to necessarily know all the details of both sides. They will know their own child’s side and most times be on that child’s side no matter what. It’s not likely that a parent cares absolutely nothing about their child but it can happen. At a certain age children are asked by the court and social workers. So they are part of the decision making. Even at a young age social workers do interview children. CASA is a national organization that was set up by a Judge to be part of helping children who are in abusive situations also.

So in order to create a policy you need to have specific things that can be changed during the two year process. It’s not enough to say it was unfair or accuse someone of being money grabbing. In order for it to be a productive conversation and policy it has to have something that can be changed. Just saying women are this or that isn’t a policy because there are also a lot of things that women can say about men. It just becomes a back and forth.

everyone is not on the same IQ and they don’t understand until they have been fucked by the system. You do not know everyone’s case just because yours went a certain way doesn’t mean every person has the same out come. (The policy should be abolish child support. ) make it to where the other parent doesn’t have to pay and The rest will crumble. How can a mother give up the child for adoption and have no consequences but a father is forced to be a father? Sounds like to me you are just a troll. Thanks for keeping this going. Hopefully it gets the right person’s attention and something can be done.

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Thanks for the response. Definitely not a troll. You just don’t like what I am asking.

Your policy is to get rid of all child support.

Therefore, I do not agree with your policy.

Don’t have children if you do not want to take care of them.

Entrapment happens more than you think. All a parent has to do is tell child support enforcement that you are the parent and with out any evidence or DNA test they can stick you with child support and you have to fight it. It’s happening to me right now and she knows the child’s not mine she’s even told me. I’m not against taking care of my own I do it already with out child support enforcement. But I am against corruption. The shit is not right. I say “ABOLISH CHILD SUPPORT.”

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Agreed, and vice vesa. Not sure your point, since I don’t disagree and have seen this as standard practice in contributing to part of said decision by courts on where the children go. Remove this factor from the equation and assume the children are under both parents equally, and you have the starting point for my argument. I stand by the post presented that there is judicial bias toward women in custody battles when the children are young and would rely on emotional support.

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Milk Tea, Eagans is making some very rational points. You cant simply wish no child gets support simply because it is not in line with your current situation. It is not a matter of IQ – it is a matter of equal and just treatment here in America. The fact that you wish to abolish child support for the entire country because you are on the short end of the stick says a lot about your values and concern for others. You state that your policy is to give fathers equal treatment as mothers but you dont go into any details that cover everyone…you simply recite what is unfairly happening to you. I don’t think you understand the purpose of this site. It is like you are slinging stuff at the wall and hoping something sticks to help your situation. There is absolutely no policy suggestion coming from you other than “Child Support should be abolished”. Well, that simply isnt going to happen because children need support, whether within a marriage or outside of it. So there is nothing left to build on because you offered nothing else. Complaining is not a policy suggestion. Do you have any suggestion how children can be supported in other ways, if neither parent steps forward to support the child? If you wish to abolish child support, do you have any ideas on how millions of children who rely on it, will continue said support when that is yanked out from under them, as you suggest? Polices deal with everyone at the same time. I didnt see where you included anyone else but yourself.

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