Mens mental health

Create legislation where divorces are no longer incentivised. Divorce takes a toll on mens mental health. 80 percent of suicides are men in the us. Thats is four time the percentage than in women. Women initiate 70 to 80 percent of divorces. If they are warranted is the only exception ie domestic abise and infidelity. But if the divorce is unwarranted the both parties shouldnt be incentivised for the divorce.eaning if a woman leaves and the marriage can be saved no child support no medicaid no food stamps nothing. Divorce seems to be incentivised in oir country

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Also, men should be provided DNA testing at birth to ensure paternity before they accept financial responsibility for a chikd that may not be theirs. And men should have the right to keep a baby even if the mother doesn’t want it.

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Arlene exactly. There needs to be some legislation thats not all about money. Yes paternity tests should be mandatory upon birth of the child. I also believe that it should be an aitomatic 5050 custody no child support. I believe if the parents can be civil and leave the state out of it

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There would have to be a caveat for abusive situations though. No one convicted of DV or Assault should have 50 percent of the kids time. But yes, i personally think it would be better on the kids to go 6 mo and 6 mo, that way what it is at one parent’s house, it is that for the next 6 months, so its more stable. MEN DESERVE EQUAL RIGHTS