Common sense divorce laws

  1. Divorce should not be a surreal experience. It should be a fair division of assets and in the children’s best interest. It is neither right now
  2. Because of this many men do not plan on getting married. 50% of women between 25-40 will be unmarried and childless by 2030. This is not good for anyone, including America in general.

Put your best people on this issue to save the nuclear family and all the good that comes from that strong foundation.

You require 500 characters, my experience. I am a dentist making north of $300k. I haven’t seen my children in two years, I was thrown in jail for 30days because i was representing myself and my ex-wife’s attorney said i was hiding money. There was zero proof, no evidence, the judge, an emotional woman, threw me in jail. I lost my job but they still expected an income? I was representing myself because i ran into trouble paying for my ex-wife’s attorney. She can spend as much as she wants with zero accountability, but i can not afford an attorney. Fair? Going to jail for such silliness helped no one. enough said. As i said…Surreal!


I believe that unilateral divorce on demand aka “no fault” divorce should be abolished. No fault divorce does make sense only when both spouses truly want out of the marriage.

All or nearly all states now have unilateral divorce on demand. That means that marriage is no longer a legally binding contract that is enforceable. Roughly half of all marriages end in divorce give or take a few percentage points and 70 to 80 percent of all divorces are initiated by the woman. That means that men are essentially playing Russian Roulette with various aspects of their lives when they say “I do” at the altar or before the magistrate because the woman could initiate a divorce and if there are children the woman usually gets physical custody of the children at least for most of the time. The man is stuck with a large child support bill and if he is unable to pay…off to jail he goes as the judge doesn’t care whether or not the man is unable to pay. Furthermore, the woman can call 911 and say “I fear for my life” or words to that effect and the police will come and arrest the man for domestic violence and then the man will be slapped with a restraining order and be kicked out of his house. So the man risks losing a lot of his assets and maybe even his freedom if he gets married. That makes marriage a risky proposition for men. More and more men are deciding that marriage is not worth it including yours truly. I am glad that I am single and virgin and I am content in that state.

In addition men are becoming more cautious and declining to have any relationships with women and thanks to the “me too” movement, more and more men are exercising caution by adhering to the Billy Graham/Mike Pence rule of never, ever being alone with another woman (other than relatives) especially in the workplace.

As the “marriage strike” gains traction, the birthrate will go down and that will precipitate a demographic crisis but that will take time.