I’m just curious how this would apply to people that were brought here by their parents as young children?
Would the same policy apply or would there be different rules for people staying in the only country they remember?
For clarity, you said that anyone in the US illegally would forfeit the right to any citizenship path. But you also mentioned conditions where they could be considered for citizenship after 10 years. Or am I reading that wrong? So do you mean they would forfeit their immediate right? Meaning they won’t be allowed to stay in the US while trying to get citizenship?
i understand your call for reason and feel it as well. unfortunately many citizens have been murdered at the hands of foreign adversary’s in america. many of those deaths were hateful and tortuous. citizens will continue to be murdered or harmed until this is fixed.
while some foreigner’s are here making a living, others are here for havoc. question is … Are you willing to take a chance? Do you want to be the citizen who has lost a loved one to rape and murder? how about a car accident with no consequences for the driver at fault? think un-insured motorists.
in know here in california the chp no longer impounds vehicles for no insurance. chp has said there are just “too many to impound” no id, no problem, just move along. the point is … we have an entire foreign population in america who do not follow the law and have no intention to. for many the process of entering the country began with breaking the law with no consequence. the american message to the world is clear, come to america and pay no mind to its civility.
citizen deaths require peaceful passage with justice served.
i have zero tolerance for any foreign invader who entered illegally and continues to break the law. any law, including receiving benefits, motor vehicle, voting, squatting, tax evasion, grant system, etc. … .
in my opinion, any foreign invader who entered the country illegally who wants a chance of staying, better have a long list of why he/she is a good candidate for citizenship, with the accompanying provenance (proof). any indication of lack of civility is a no go for citizenship. im talking even excess vehicle infractions. actively civil people are not actively seeking to break the law.
fix it fast, before you are a victim. think it would be pretty simple to find the non-compliance.
So there are a few things to not
- Trump will not be deporting people who have green cards it is outrageous for anyone in this site to suggest otherwise .
- He must deport those who came here illegally since they broke the law and their asylum claims are frivolous.
- There is no law which stops him from deporting them.
- These sanctuary cities cannot protect anyone especially those who must be deported if local law enforcement or people try to hinder a deportation attempt by federal agents they can be arrested and charged with obstruction (Federal law allows this ).
- Our immigration system is not broken it is simply not being enforced by Mayorkas this has been going on since the Obama administration he is the brainchild of daca google it .
- I do not agree with amnesty in any form or fashion for anyone because when Reagan did it it didn’t solve the problem .
- As for the frivolous argument that they do jobs Americans don’t want that is incorrect they take jobs that could be given to Americans who have dropped out of school etc and are willing to work .
- Employers who hire illegal immigrants in place of American citizens should be charged since their goal is low wages and high profits Trump went after them in his first term and he will do so again.
- Real cases of human trafficking (if they can be found ) should be considered for asylum it must be proven not a frivolous asylum claim.
- Absorbing non English speakers into schools have already caused time and attention to be taken away from US children and this is a problem which cannot be ignored .
- With respect to human trafficking several European countries are the final destinations of these trafficked people. That’s why DHS can’t find them the USA was just a pass through point and many of them are ending up in Portugal , Spain and a few other countries just to name a few.
- A wall must be finished it will assist by ensuring large amounts of people do not simply walk in if there is a wall and people try climbing over or damaging it as the cartels have done this can be detected and dealt with quicker .
- The argument this is a nation of immigrants does not apply to these border crossers they are not the majority here working they are living on public assistance there are public charge laws which forbid them from ever becoming citizens.
- Look at Florida it is a public record state check the department of children and families records of food stamps , cash assistance and Medicaid (it’s public record ) you will see that 93% of all public assistance cases are people who do not have any status in the country . It’s public record don’t take my word for it .
well written. thank you.
No. Illegal immigrant families can all be deported TOGETHER.
Agree, with added framework. - Sever penalties for companies and institutions that prevent or hinder the process of deportation.
1.If you committed a crime here while illegal you will NEVER become a citizen.
2. If you leave voluntarily a 7 year ban and 5k fine.
3. If we have to be removed you get a 20 year ban, fine and restitution on removal costs.
4. Give them 6 months to voluntarily leave with possessions after 6 months grace period - you are removed with your family(that are illegal) and #3 is applied, no taking possessions, they will be sold and applied to restitution.
just a start
I completely agree. I was in the middle of posting something similar. See below.
Recommendation: Every illegal alien that attempted to enter the U.S. illegally or those that have successfully entered under the Biden administration should be restricted from ever becoming a U.S. citizen. In addition to restricting U.S. citizenship to ALL illegal aliens, adopt a “Zero Tolerance” policy on illegal immigration, hold other countries accountable for facilitating illegal immigration, and pass regulations to fix a broken immigration system.
Justification: There are thousands of immigrants that follow the legal process to become a U.S. citizen. The majority of these immigrants wait years to become a citizen. These individuals go on to become productive U.S. citizens. It is unfair to grant citizenship or provide any assistance to those that came to this country illegally BEFORE those who came to this country LEGALLY.
Collect biometric data on every single illegal alien. Criminals are what illegal aliens are. So like any criminal we are able to collect this data, and we should for every single illegal alien. A Latino passing Arab, for instance, is not going to be able to falsify his DNA. The Guess work could be taken out of vetting to a large degree with this policy. Repeat offenders will be found and incarcerated immediately. Any DNA collected can also be ran in our CODIS system to find perpetrators of unsolved crimes, or crimes they are sought after already but they avoided capture by running back south of the border. Also, the children they are carting across with them could be saved by DNA showing they are not in fact related inferring a possible human trafficking situation.
Legislation such as this would all but eliminate the need for a wall. It should also include wording that disqualifies anyone who enters illegally and anyone who does not comply with the procedural process of legally becoming a citizen from receiving any government benefits beyond what is basically humane (food assistance).
Illegal is illegal, deport and have a file with photo on file. They think illegal and try to dodge the US process of entry. They are done, US citizens in foriegn countries are in jail and never heard from again.
I agree. Pass the appropriate law, give existing illegals 60 days to turn themselves in, document them, then humanely deport them. They will be eligible for legal immigration according to whatever timeframe rule that is established, and in the order they were processed for deportation. Any illegal failing to report in 60 days, once caught, gets deported and cannot return ever.
They’d drop alright this way. . one way or another hah
I like this idea. . in time. I don’t like it right now. I think this time (last 4 years) We invited these people over here essentially
Change it to KNOWINGLY illegally entering. Most DACAs did not know that they were illegal aliens. They thought they were born here until trying to vote or get drivers licenses.
But otherwise, yes.
Absolutely! We need this bill! Anyone who enters the US illegally is not eligible for ANY benefits, and is eligible for deportation. We don’t want illegals to stay for years and wait for the trial. They have already violated the law.
I think if people have started to become citizens need to be in a different category. My parents immigrated to this country and became naturalized citizens. But the ones that have lived here for 30 years and never bothered, I think thats a problem. You either commit, or go back.
First, I think 5 years is insufficient. Start at 10 or 20 years. Further, if they have accepted any type of assistance (tax dollars), they should not be able to remain. Being self supporting is a cornerstone to become a citizen. And anyone who is not self-supporting needs that naturalized citizenship revoked & deported.