Immigration Deportation Policy

There is no doubt that ALL illegal immigrants must be deported, which will be a daunting task. BUT… what if PRESIDENT TRUMP put out a message that told these illegals that ‘IF’ they self-deport within 90 days, then they will be allowed to return via the proper and legal means, HOWEVER, if WE have to hunt them down and physically remove them, then their names will be listed to NEVER be allowed back into our conuntry! This is a strong incentive to leave and could potentially save us millions in time, manpower and expense! Also, ANYONE who harbors and assists illegals in avoiding deportation shall also lose their citizenship and be banished from our country.

I was thinking along those same lines-but institute a 5 year minimum waiting period. No Immigrants should be allowed access to government assistance. To legally enter this country they must contribute; become employed and pay taxes. If any illegal immigrant is caught voting they are fined $10,000 and deported immediately (even while awaiting trial) and cannot ever re enter the US.
