This was a response I made in another topic, and feel it needs to be addressed in its own topic - This was a rebuttal for letting those good illegals stay here in the states since they already here. Keep in mind I’m against this 100% as you can see through my argument, but my solution at the bottom is what I feel needs to be addressed
Well you have those who are doing the process and if they miss an appointment they get deported and sometimes not allowed to apply again. Why should they get to stay and not go through it?
We need to fix our immigration system, such as removing the sponsorship requirement for illegals. If we’re willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, then we should give the legals the benefit of the doubt that they won’t be seeking government assistance and entrapping the sponsors with a bill if they do get granted government assistance.
I’m trying to bring my fiance here the right way, and sponsorship is the only obstacle when it comes to immigration. No one is willing to co sponsor because of the legality of being responsible if the immigrant becomes a public charge. That’s the true bottleneck. Everything else is just a vetting process.
But really, they need to leave and come back the right way. As of right now all these illegals are mostly public charges. How is any of this right for those who are trying to do it the correct way? Letting them stay since they are here is a slap in the face to me and my fiance and those like us.
Also if removing any option for government assistance before being a citizen will deter those who plan on mooching from coming in and ease up the strict requirements for those who truly intend on making something of themselves. Instead of assistance do it like student loans and have them pay it back through their income when working should they require any assistance at all, and if they can’t pay they get garnished like child support, no matter what job they have.
And if they refuse to go to work after a year of sitting around doing nothing, the funds stop, they get deported and the country that they came from can pay it back from sending someone who was a mooch or that government can garnish their wages to pay us back. This will also get other countries to be more proactive on who they decide to let out of the county. So no more sending criminals our way. This way it puts the risk 100% on the immigrant and the consequences on the Immigrant. If the government wants their money they will always find a way to take it.