Pathway to Citizenship for Illegals and immigrants

To create a better quicker pathway to LEGAL citizenship, all now illegal immigrants that have come to the USA on expired visa or student visas , work visas etc, and who have not committed ANY crimes while they have been here and have a proven record of working, Continued education etc , can speak enough English that they do Not need special interpreters to communicate, and have at least 2 USA citizens willing to “sponsor “ or verify they have assimilated well into our society will have the option to apply for citizenship by completing a class on American government class and checking off all the boxes listed . This way we can VET the illegals immigrants who have come here to drain our resources and have become a threat to others in our society. They must abide by ALL our cultural norms and laws and be willing to assimilate to become FULLY AMERICAN. Not push their cultures onto our country. This process could be completed in 1-3 months .

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I am not sure why we need a better or quicker pathway. We have a pathway, apply and join the queue, otherwise get out. As for sponsors how could we make sure we have proper sponsors not leftie ideologues who would let everybody in, maybe make sponsors financially liable for five years for the actions of those they vouch for. Like Australia if you come here illegally you will never be allowed to stay. I do agree that we need to quickly process the dreamers who have been here for 20 years. Process does not mean grant. Nobody who arrived illegally in the past 4 years can stay.


No pathways for illegals. Coming in illegally is proving they have no respect for the law.