A federal law or constitutional amendment (whichever would stand up) that all us states & territory real estate may only be owned by individual citizens and only majority citizen owned companies/corporations may own commercial properties and may not own in any part single family homes.
All foreign owned properties must be sold within 12 months of the enactment (even if for a loss) or incur a daily penalty of 25% of the value of the property until sold or resold to allowable owners.
Yes I agree to this. They also they should make it to where individuals can’t own more then a certain amount of houses. Giving home owner opportunities to other Americans or taxe them big time for owning multiple homes. (I posted this part about a hours ago)
I agree. Many families would buy starter homes and build to a bigger house and invest in their future. Those homes have been bought by companies commercially and privately owned and rented out where families struggle to pay the rent, are not maintained properly (mine is below the standard of living laws in my state and no lawyer will take my case), and we cannot buy them to build upon.