Congress and Senator Pay

Anyone in the Congress or Senate should not receive a raise at all until the federal debt is paid down by at least 70% of what it is now. If they want a raise, they actually need to work for it and that is by responsibly handling taxpayer money.
It is sickening how much our government spends. It is our money they are spending.
Please reduce the size of the government by a minimum of 50%, but preferably 75%. Our Government is way too big. This country needs to be of the people, by the people and for the people. We’re sick and tired of the government trying to control our lives and misusing our hard earned money

I agree with the above.

Plus, anyone who is in Congress when a pay raise is voted in, should not receive that benefit for at least three years. New Congressional members can be paid the new wage upon taking office.

I would add that Congress should not be allowed to vote on their pay raise. This should be something done at election time by the people. Perhaps they would be willing to work harder if they knew their raise was at stake. I also believe that we should have stipulations for Congress persons’ attendance so that they are present and engaged representing their constituents while in session and during vote.


Congress is the only one that reaps the most. They get paid durring government shut downs. They can vote for their own raises. There are no term limits. I believe that all politicians should be treated like everyday citizens. They pay their COBRA premiums or be forced to same insurance choices. They no longer are privileged to get the top health care. Their childrens education should not be paid for by government. When they retire their fund should be capped at a certain amount or portion of their pay scale. No more paid committees. It’s part of their job description.

I think the Congress, Senators and staff should get paid the same as all other Federal employees (civil service) . Same Retirement, same TSP, same Heath benefits.


I believe that any member of our government should not be the ones voting for there own raises, I believe that each member that represents there state p, that the people of that state should vote on if they feel there representative should get a raise or not, there are our employees and work for We The People, we should be the ones determining if they are doing the job that we sent them to do for the way we believe it should be done, to many of them will vote for raises no matter what, they get influenced by lobbies on how to vote, if they vote the the lobbies tell them to, they will get paid X amount of dollars, this to needs to be abolish no more lobbies influencing the vote, this is totally unfair to other members as well We The People

Term limits should be set for each member of the government, no more career politicians, as well We The People should have the right to grade the members we elect to office, if they are doing a good job or not, as well the ability to have them fired and replaced, even if there has to be a special voting for this, with this it will hold each member to a higher standard if they know they could lose there job for low performance in the job, it’s no different then us here in the private sector, if we don’t do the job the way the employer hired us for we lose our job, it’s no different for the members of our government, we hired them, when we voted them in, so we should have the right to fire them if they are not doing the job

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